Mar 16

Searching the green swamp in Florida for the Skunk Ape

Two men are on the hunt for the legendary creature in The Green Swamp of Florida and dodging deadly predators along the way.

4 Responses to “Searching the green swamp in Florida for the Skunk Ape”

  1. winkatme

    I wish they would name it the SWAMP APE that’s so much cooler then the SKUNK APE! I hope Florida’s the place where they finally prove bigfoot is real. Lord knows the lottery’s not working for us.

  2. Kent C

    Well………. I’m impressed! A comment list that doesn’t feature some idiot posting “FIRST!!”.

    Years ago, when I first decided to look into this general topic, my hypothesis was that the sightings in Florida could be explained by exotic pets that had been turned loose when they became too much to handle. (Chimps and the like)

    But after years of reading reports, the sheer volume of sightings pretty much indicates that Florida does indeed have a “Booger” population.

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