Marshall writes “My friend and I went walking from his family farm across the road to his grandfather’s hunting land which was formerly a dog training area, high fences, used for training dogs to run foxes and coyotes. They would trap them and then have the dogs trail them.
That all stopped many years before we came along. My best friend (I’m gonna call him Chad to protect his real name as he is now an army sgt and I don’t want this to have an effect on his career, we also no longer speak much it’s been more than a year since we last spoke.) Told me that we could go into the old fox pen to squirrel hunt that day. So we took off with a single shot 20 ga and a pump pellet rifle. We noticed several things were very wrong once we got in there. Firstly, there was absolute silence throughout the forest. We’re talking about a 20-30acre tract of land that again has 8ft fences all the way round and three main lanes that meet a fire lane that encircles.
There were no birds, no crickets no nothing. If I remember right it was early in the year march I think bc squirrel season had just reopened. It was cold and overcast, still we expected to see at least a bird but nope nothing. After about an hour of walking around, we came to the third lane (we went down the first, turned and walked up the middle lane, and then proceeded down the far lane which usually the deerhunters that since the fox pens closure don’t even hunt) about 5 minutes into our slow walk, we both had this electric feeling… seriously we thought lightning was about to strike nearby or something we were totally wigged out. We looked at each other and suddenly smelled the most godawful stench waft through the trees on a breeze. Within a minute of smelling that we hear/see what I can only describe as Paul Bunyan pissed off knocking down a tremendous pine tree.
It started with a roar , I mean “RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHH” with the sound of the wood splintering started about 1/3 the way through the roar. We could only see the top of the tree from where we were it was I’m guessing about 200 yards away from us in the deepest part of the area near the border fence. We watched/felt the tree fall and went into full panic. We ran the half mile back to the farmhouse where his grandfather lived and we were so scared we were in tears. That was it for the first encounter. His grandad laughed at us saying something like “yeahhh heeehee , told y’all bout the woodboogahs”
Fast forward about 2 years and a couple months, I believe it was early spring – we were having abnormal flooding in the swamps due to torrential rain for days at a time. Everything was coming out the swamps, and our favorite passtime in the afternoons and nights was riding up and down the dirt roads of the local hunting clubs with buckets – the back creeks and ditch lines all ran together with the flooding swamp waters and pushed crawfish and catfish- etc up into the middle of the roads. We’d ride along with spotlights and jump out in our boots to catch them and then use them as fishing bait later on. One such night, we decided to walk up to the edge of the main road from his trailer house on the dirt road. It bordered a cotton field that split and became a soybean field.
We were walking back from spotlighting the soybean field and I had to pee, Chad told me he was feeling uneasy and wasn’t waiting for me so I started literally peeing as I walked backwards behind him. Midstream- something …MUCH bigger than a cow or deer EXPLODED out of the ditch line to my right. It was so heavy we felt the footfall all the way to the middle of the cotton field. The trees and brush erupted and we heard something exhaling super hard like “WOOOHFFWOOFFFF.”
It was cloudy and raining lightly but the moon was near full so there was some ambient light, enough that the cotton was illuminated in the field. When this thing took off it went straight across the cotton and what we saw from the road (we froze in fear for enough time to see it then bolted for his front yard about 300yards from where we were) was a HUGE black silhouette on two legs sprinting faster than Usain Bolt. We felt it’s footfall even as it reached the tree line on the far side of the field. Swear on my life it could only be one thing. We stayed inside that night afterwards and just wrote it off later. We were pretty ballsy back then.
Same week as the second encounter we went fishing in a pond the back side of the same property a few days later. It was about midnight and raining still, the ponds were overflowing and connecting with the swamp. I left a small bream rod with a floating handle spooled with like 6lb test mono line wedged in a tree on the bank, it was rigged with a single split shot and an Aberdeen wire hook and a small grasshopper.
This is important because 1 nothing bigger than a bream or small fish would have hit it. 2 because the handle floated and was florescent orange , highly visible, the pond is only like 200 yards square in a long rectangle along the path. And 3 because I wedged it in a way that the line would have broken before the rod went flying. We went to the house after about 2 am, around 5 am we came back to get the rod and look around. It smelled like wet dead rotting dog/roadkill. We were super unnerved and the rod was gone. Only sign was right beside the tree in the muddy bank was a single deeeeeep depression in the edge of the water that looked just like a heel print. Never found my rod. We bailed.
We went to that same pond area almost a year later and there was a man made creek with high walls that ran from one side of the swamp up into the woods where it SHOULD have connected to another pond on adjacent property. We got in this old 8ft John boat with paddles that stayed out there for duck hunting , paddled up the creek as far as we could and ended up passing under pine trees so thick it was nearly black dark. The creek so narrow we couldn’t turn around and assumed we’d be able to once we got to the pond, only we found that about a quarter mile from where the pond should be there was a sort of dam of mud and debris and limbs.
The banks surrounding us were absolutely littered in bones of all sizes looked like everything from small fish and birds to deer skeletons piled up on the banks. That foul skunk ape smell was so rank back there that we went into a full panic and I jumped into the water, spun us around and pushed us off back towards the house. We were so afraid that time bc of the rampant signs of death. It felt like we had for sure found the lair of the beast. We never went back there. His grandfather who built all those ponds and creeks acted like he knew more than he was willing to talk about but claimed he didn’t know the creek had a dam and seemingly just didn’t believe us.
The final thing was (and I cannot confirm this as I was not there) Chad called me one night about midsummer of our senior year 2015 super excited , I had to ask him to calm down to explain bc he wasn’t making sense. He exclaims “I SAW HER” I said ” what???? Who???” He comes back with “Bro she had boobs!”
Apparently he and his girlfriend had driven out to the old property to look around right after dusk and the ape/squatch/thing jumped across the road like 20 feet from his headlights and he described it as “about 7 feet tall, reddish brown matted hair all over and swinging breasts”
Anyway I’d love to explain in detail. Sorry for the super long message. Hope this gets to you.”
Stream Player
Ric M
I loved the opening. We all have the FEVER!!
Brian L
Whoop Whoop!! Thanks Wes
I’m betting that there will be a BIG uptick in Squatch sightings along the east side of the Sierra this winter/spring…..all along highway 395….
all along the Owens Valley.
Even a 10 foot Squatch is having trouble with the snowpack this year….and probably heading off the Sierra Crest east for the rest of the winter…..
Nothin’ meaner than a cannibalistic Squatch….
Ric M
Dang it!!! I was ready to be first and as usual I get distracted away from my phone!!! Thanks Wes. I feel these shows give me much solace and peace. I’m still waiting for some men in black to come knock on my door for telling my experience.
Paula J
Paula J
Hey where’s the play ▶️
Sorry try it now from the app
Jack L
Hey Wes what was the name of the song that u closed out the show with
Joyce E
I agree, the song was really good. Almost sounded like a Star Wars sound track of some sort?
Chad W
I love listening to these encounters late in the evening, in the comfort and safety of my own bed. Thank you Wes and Marshall!
Paula J
Thanks Wes, as always, you are the BEST!
Keith H
Thanks Wes
Diane C
woohoo! Friday starts now!
Maynard w
Thank Wes! The weekend officially begins.
Jesse K
Thanks for another Great Show, Wes and Guest!!! Have a Great Weekend and keep on keeping on!!!!
Rick T
Good job Wes, Thank You!
Laurie T
would be great if Marshall went back to creek another time and saw the creature sitting on the bank fishing with his pole 😳
Geneva V
Thanks Wes for a great show. Hope you have a great weekend
Deborah V
Wes, got my new sasquatch chronicles zip up jacket. I look so Fine. Super happy with it.
Jennifer P
Hey, just looking for some advice possibly. I have been trying since February to get my voice recording on one of the shows. I’ve emailed five times since February and had no luck thus far. Just wondering if there’s a different email that I’m supposed to be using…I truly love the show and it has been a saving grace for me over the past year especially since I started having crippling anxiety. I have turned so many people on to the show and it would just be so cool for my kids and my fellow “squatchers” to get to hear me on the show. So anyway, just wondering if I’m doing something wrong…Thanks in advance!
Brian L
Such a normal name…..
Reality is a bit different…..
You are conversating with ‘believers’…
Read Dr. Bindernagel and Dr. Meldrum’s books….
I added everyone I got audio from and I’m going down the list. I’ll look for yours Jen and play it next
Linda B
Can’t wait to listen. Marshall had quite a time of it out there with this creature. Hi SC family!!
Thomas H
Thx. Hap Friday
Sharon H
Thanks Wes! I really liked the outro music!
Stephanie B
Great show tonight! Love the music at the end!!!
ross s
Did anyone else notice how intelligent this man spoke?
Stiles H
Ross, man I sure did.
ross s
Also Wes, It took me three times to get this to load. I’m not complaining, just figured I would let you know. I have never had a problem on my laptop. This show has changed how I view the outdoors ………..Thanks for ruining it. hahahahahahahaha
Scott V
Damn. Just couldn’t get excited about this one. Dude just sounded ingenuine for some reason. I’ll try to listen again later. Outro music was friggin awesome!
Elizabeth B
I love this show so much!❤️ When Wes says, “And that’s it for tonight”, I sigh a little sadness, just like at the end of each Mandalorian episode. This was another wonderful episode. Thank you Wes. -Elizabeth
Anna K
Thanks Wes! As always great show! Please share that particular song! I’m a Star Wars nerd over here!
Daren c
Thanks Marshall! And thank you Mr Art Bell once again for your excellent Hosting , oops I meant Mr Wes Germer ! 😉
Jennifer P
Thanks so much Wes! You made my whole day! I know you’re super busy
Jennifer P
Not sure what happened to the rest of the comment but I’m sure you are super busy
Cynthia H
Thank you Wes! Out of curiosity, what part of South Carolina? Sounds like somewhere in the low country.
Stiles H
Marshal was a great guest. Awesome interview ! Thank you Wes !
Stiles H
Marshal was a great guest. Awesome interview ! I thought it was the best one yet. Thank you Wes !
Jefferson W
I grew up in the low country of South Carolina. I have quite a few experiences that I can’t explain. always just thought it was people messing with us.
Scott V
not sure what was going on in my mind the previous comment. must have just been half asleep. gave it another listen and enjoyed!! thanks. and again, excellent outro music!
Roger P
I was going to ask where in South Carolina, but if the old man is speaking Gullah, it`d have to be down near Charleston
Angela A
One of my fave interviews. Had me laughing a couple of times 😂
Love the show!!!
Cate T
Great show – thoroughly enjoyed it and the closing music. Thanks Wes!
Mariajose B
Thank you, Wes!!
Russell B
I live in Alabama Our Rattlesnakes Rattle they have not evolved into some stupid snake that don’t rattle.
Todd E
nice intro! someone needs to make that into a shirt
Beverley M
great episode..especially the Star Wars tribute epic at the end! beautiful music
m b
Seems like a major part of his account was left out of this episode.
What about this part:
“We went to that same pond area almost a year later and there was a man made creek with high walls that ran from one side of the swamp up into the woods where it SHOULD have connected to another pond on adjacent property. We got in this old 8ft John boat with paddles that stayed out there for duck hunting , paddled up the creek as far as we could and ended up passing under pine trees so thick it was nearly black dark. The creek so narrow we couldn’t turn around and assumed we’d be able to once we got to the pond, only we found that about a quarter mile from where the pond should be there was a sort of dam of mud and debris and limbs.
The banks surrounding us were absolutely littered in bones of all sizes looked like everything from small fish and birds to deer skeletons piled up on the banks. That foul skunk ape smell was so rank back there that we went into a full panic and I jumped into the water, spun us around and pushed us off back towards the house. We were so afraid that time bc of the rampant signs of death. It felt like we had for sure found the lair of the beast. We never went back there. His grandfather who built all those ponds and creeks acted like he knew more than he was willing to talk about but claimed he didn’t know the creek had a dam and seemingly just didn’t believe us.”
Did I miss somehow miss Wes asking about it?
Liz S
I love ALL your music Wes. that Star Wars song may be a favorite. so powerful!
love the show.
William D
LOL. I don’t get it how anyone’s career would be jeopardized by hearing ONLY a first name. How would anyone accurately discover ” Chad’s ” REAL identity if you said it? LOL.