Nov 7

SC EP:54 Ape Canyon Sasquatch Attacks!

“First of all, I wish to give an account of the attack and tell of the famous incident of July, 1924, when the “Hairy Apes” attacked our cabin. We had been prospecting for six years in the Mt. St. Helens and Lewis River area in Southwest Washington. We had, from time to time, come across large tracks by creek beds and springs. In 1924 I and four other miners were working our gold claim, the Vander White. It was two miles east of Mt. St. Helens near a deep canyon now named “Ape Canyon” — which was so named after an account of the incident reached the newspapers” – Fred Beck


We also speak to a Police Officer who investigated a bigfoot attack on a person. He also discusses some strange calls he has been on that were Sasquatch related.

The final guest talks about two encounters he has had. One of his encounters is very disturbing when he came face to face with a Sasquatch.



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32 Responses to “SC EP:54 Ape Canyon Sasquatch Attacks!”

  1. Patrick W

    I think I must have listened to this show 20 times. Its a toss up between Cris and Carla(the awsome mom) as my all time favorite encounters. Besides wes & woodys of course. Yep, episode #2 is the one that got me hooked. The actual righteous information available to me on this subject seems very limited. It used to be frustrating to weed out the attention whores and jokers while researching this subject. A few yrs ago( believe it or not) I I would have rather my family and friends think I was surfing the web for Porn than for Bigfoot. These dayz the ridicule is so much less. I guess with the retard monster reality TV shows becoming so popular and mainstream I dont feel like such an outcast with my need to learn more about other peoples encounters. This new websight is AWSOME. I believe its going to be worth every penny for the membership. So far So good. I highly recommend it. Rather it be for research of as a support group “Sasquatch Canonicals” is miles above and eons ahead of any other formats available. It’s refreshing to see honesty and simplicity kick commercialization square in the nuts. Great job you guyz…..

  2. Elaine G

    Sasquatch Chronicles is the best show EVER
    I became a member because I want to help Wes, Woody and Shannon get all the great stories from people who would otherwise be ridiculed for talking about their encounters. I can imagine a lot of time goes into just one show and finding people who are prepared to share their experiences too.
    This show is so professional that I think we are going to hear some fantastic accounts from people and I want to hear them.
    SC is the place to be
    SC Rocks

  3. John H

    I listened to this episode several times now. I’m coming in a few years after the fact, but I want to tie some things together I’ve heard. Chris’ first sighting happened at Bear Mountain State Park in NY. Which is along the Hudson River Valley and The Appalachian Trail Runs directly through the park. His second sighting was in West Milford, NJ which butts right up to Sussex County NJ to the West, which is where the Big Red Eye Legend originated and there were sightings in the late 1970’s. There was an earlier episode of SC about the Sussex County sighting in the 70’s, but I forget which one now. The NJ portion of the Appalachian Trail goes directly through Sussex County. Directly to the West of Sussex County is The Delaware Water Gap National Park right across the Delaware River. The Delaware isn’t a particularly deep or wide river in parts of that area. The Delaware Water Gap is on the Sasquatch Chronicles 10 Most Dangerous Parks. There are a lot of sightings in the area. Just to put some perspective on the short distances were talking about as compared to other parts of the country, from West Milford due West to The Delaware Water Gap is about 35 miles as the crow flies. From West Milford, NJ to Bear Mountain State Park, NY, it’s only about 30 miles to the North East. This all heavily wooded Mountainous area, which lots of rivers and valleys. I’m starting from the Beginning of the show, so I don’t know if anyone has put together an overlay of sightings near The Appalachian Trail or not. But I’m sure I’m not the first person to think of this. Love the show and the topic.

  4. Sandra C

    I agree that constant interruptions feel annoying in a format that includes seriously traumatized guests. Their need to tell their story is part of their personal healing as well as a public service. Interruptions simply feel wrong.

    My own impression of Will is that he has tremendous knowledge and experience related to this topic, and that he has a passion for teaching…which is generally the point of the interruptions. I actually love the extra information, just not the interruptions. I doubt anyone will ever top this show for its raw story-telling power, but there’s no reason it can’t inspire other hit shows. For example, I would definitely buy a membership to an investigational and instructional show on this topic if Will hosted it.

    Someone mentioned the Top 10 Most Dangerous Parks. I’d really like to know which shows relate to that topic. For that matter, it would be great to start including some kind of guide to the shows. Actually, this would be great paid content. I’d definitely pay more for it.

  5. Sandra C

    Need to add that one of the many reasons Wes does so well with this is his voice. He has such a soothing voice and way of talking, and an amazing ability to deal with very traumatized people . He would have made a terrific therapist.

  6. Jackie K

    Wow! I know I’m way after the fact but I’ve been catching up on shows. I just started listening a little over 2 weeks ago and listen several times a day. I’ve never thought much about these creatures until now but people need to be aware they are out there. I can tell most of these people are genuine retelling their encounters. I have woods behind my home and a pine thicket on one side. I never want to see one. My youngest brother told me at least 10 yrs ago he saw something here when he was about 12 and the next day my mother’s dog was all tore up, they found him at the edge of the woods and had to put him down. He also had a farmer tell him yrs later he had seen the same exact thing.

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