Aug 30

SC EP:141 Sasquatch running down the hill


I will be speaking to Skip who is from Texas. He shares with us his encounter he had almost 28 years ago. He was at the river with his friend and they decided to pack up and head home. Skip was carrying items back to his car and as he walked up the hill away from the river he says “This big black thing that was covered in hair bursts out of the brush and I watch it run upright…like a man but WAY too fast to be a man. In one leap the creature jumps about 12 feet across the river. My friend walks up because she saw it too and say who…..what….was that?!” Skip is a pastor in Texas and this encounter has always stuck with him.

I will also be speaking to Jack McCarty who is the author of “Bigfoot Evidence – I Cannot Deny It.” Jack writes “Twenty-three years ago I saw my first Bigfoot footprint in the woods. Ever since then I have studied additional evidence and documented it with photographs and journals. This book is a compilation of my experiences in the forests where Bigfoot lives.”


Here is a link to his book




If you have had an encounter email me



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56 Responses to “SC EP:141 Sasquatch running down the hill”

  1. mark s

    Wes the ugly mug comment wasn’t because I said you had a sagittal crest I hope LOL, hey the wounded calls I think is definately the ticket to more success I would think, good point.

    • Kim S

      A www mark.dont beat yourself up man..I thought the same thing..maybe more brains lol from learning a were just being honest I love that in people.????

  2. Jenny

    It’s sick how much I love this show..Wes and the lads have Tim Baker to thank for leading me here and Bob Garrett to thank for making me pay for membership .and by Pay, I mean wait till my birthday and get my boyfriend to pay 🙂

  3. Rich A

    7th……. Can’t say it enough….Love the show man…Absolutely love it… One thought. Has anyone tried using the Samurai chatter as opposed to the crying baby to get the ol Bigfoots attention. That may be dangerous or more dangerous. Who knows….Bet it would freak the Squatch out if nothing else….

  4. Daniel D

    Thanks again for another great show Wes! I find myself waiting with great anticipation for them each week. I think the animal calls are a great idea as long as people take certain precautions and go in at least pairs into the woods, we wouldn’t want anyone to get eaten by some damn dirty ape!

  5. DrAaron

    Wes, it is white willow bark that has pain relieving properties. We use it in concentrated form with patients who have renal disease or hepatic issues that prevent them from taking NSAIDs.
    Much love to my SasChronies tonight!

  6. Phyllis E

    Wes thank you for making Sunday nites so exciting. We old chickens don’t have much to get hyped about. I just wish it were possible for all the Squatchcronies to get together in person for a picnic! And yuck it up. I get a kick out of my SC friends!!

  7. Karen C

    Wes, Lots of great information on tonights show. Seems like I learn something new every show. You just know how to ask the right questions at the right time…Glued to the show, can’t even leave for a Lady’s break…Can’t wait for next show, THANKS SO MUCH!

  8. Matt

    Is Jack still in So. Oregon? I just drove over the Rogue River on 101 today and live in the area. It would be cool to track a Bigfoot with Jack, maybe, lol.

    • Jack M

      Hey Matt I live in Utah now. If you want to see Bigfoot take a drive east out of gold beach on the bear camp rd and keep your eyes open, it’s a 65 mile drove to Grants Pass. Good Luck and don’t get lost.

  9. Christopher c

    Above is the song that caused a Sasquatch to come screaming at me and my friends louder than a fire engine as we sat on the spillway of Tunnel Res. dam in Shasta county 1989,years later after realizing that the particular song may have had something to do with this thing getting ticked off at us so I decided for my 2010 Shasta trip I would go out and add a rabbit in distress call and a coyote call on top of all my regular fishing gear that I always get,Iet me tell you after me and my father in law blasted the rabbit call the woods went so so silent you coulda cut it with a knife and we felt watched,this year I am going all out with a tablet filled with sound files to be blasted outn of my cars 1000 watt system overlooking a deep river canyon of,rabbits,raccoons fighting,vultures feasting,bobcats,mtn. lion screams and calls,elk being taken down by a pack of coyotes ,turkeys,etc.,we will see this year!

  10. stephen m

    I liked the nephilim episode . There has been a couple of SC shows I wasn’t crazy about but I understand Wes is willing to bring different points of view to the table . Keep it up Wes !

  11. Jack M

    Hey vance Yes I have used an electronic call. I just prefer a mouth call because I can put more action into the sound. We seem to get a better response and a bigger adrenaline rush.

  12. DonRay

    Great show… Cambium layer is very nutritious on trees…. i think the willow tree is what yur thinkin……E. White Pine trees inner bark cambium layer very common medicine, food, and pain relief in this area…… Good job guys……… Ciao,

  13. Rodney P

    Wes I’m a new member and I just want to tell you thank you cuz you could have easily left or canceled the show when the rest of them bailout on you you saw something in this show and decided to stick with it and me and the rest of your listener’s are very glad you didn’t bail on the show and keep doing what you do it works. Forget the hatters squatch on!!!

  14. patricia d

    OK now I am confused..I thought the Texas squatches were the “big boys”…maybe I misinterpreted that. Please correct me..Because according to this encounter, they were on the “slight” side..

  15. Jay Carlsen

    PASTOR SKIP sir ! Could you Please tell me If I am Thinking of this correctly ? ( If he will read this ? I do not KNOW ? )
    Please Sir , I was an Atheist since I was 16 years old . When my Friend shot himself , Ending his own life ; Over a Motorcycle ACCIDENT. (?) I suppose , maybe , Nobody told him I would not See the plato of my Recovery until I turned 27 – 28 years old ? I do not know why , this has Troubled me since it Happened. I could not understand , if there is some All Powerful Thing ? Why did it Allow my Friend to do that ? ( But it wasn’t the Power , it was the Boy who pulled the Trigger )
    Since this , I was a Devout Atheist. I had ALL the Arguments Memorized , that I would use to Trip Up those who tried to Change my Mind. I had Proved to be pretty Good , at being Willingly Ignorant.
    But I had a Crazy Dream , sometime in the Month of August 2001. That when I woke up – I was a Christian. When I went to Sleep , I was an Atheist , When I Woke – I was a Christian. ( Not claiming that I am any good at it ? ) When I went to Sleep , I had this Head Injury. This Crazy Dream , it was Taken away from Me ! It was GONE ! ( but that even wasn’t it . That was Crazy , But not it ) I Heard His Voice . The Loudest , Biggest thing I ever Heard – Ever. When I Woke up , I can no longer Deny, that I did not Hear It . I Did .
    Since I had dedicated so much of my Time , trying to De-Bunk this Subject . I had to Look at the Information left in the Book – in a different Light. To make it Fit my Paradigm. & it Does ! ( some what. I think as God walked through the Garden , when He looked to the ground & seen the Mud. When He said ” Stand Up , & Be Perfect Before Me ” ALL MEN Did . Maybe the One that Stood Up before him was named Adam ? The Closest to where he was Standing ? I do not Know ? But I do NOT Believe everyone on the Planet descended from Noah & the 7 other People on the Ark . For Native Americans tell of the Great Flood . Over 2000 Flood Story’s passed down from Ancient History . Looking at it with a Critical Mind , I would have to say it Happened . These other accounts only Solidify the Event . Could it Be that the Whole Earth was the Garden ? Before the Flood ? could Be ?
    The Rocky Mountains are taller than Mt. Ararat in Turkey . I am Sure of it , but not Certain . For in Colorado , there is a Town bye a Mark chiseled on the Mountain Side. Where the Water Level Rose too , Before receding. That it is Told , the Great Spirit told those People to climb up into the Mountains . With Pairs of certain Animals And Await the Deluge . They had chiseled a line where the Water Rose Too.
    Clifford Mahooty of the Zuni Nation , tells of how the Zuni went into the Grand Canyon , underground , To Escape the Flood.
    What purpose would this Flood Serve ? Could it have Been to wipe out the Mega fauna of the Ice Age ? These Animals that would have Dined on Early Man . Maybe ?
    I do think the Book might be , Maybe , a little Bias . I do not think you can Contain this Power to a Acre of land in the Back Yard & call it a Garden .I Think this thing that Spoke everything into being , is Bigger than that .( Because it is Big , & Terrible in Anger )
    Forgive me from the Length , But I like to be Clear .
    This Nephilim Debate , I understand these Creatures are Giant in Stature . But Native Americans Know they are in fact , a Primitive People. Tales come from Siberia , of one of these People being Captured , Imprisoned in a Pit for 3 years . And when they let it out , it was Tame to Hand . Would Understand what was Said , But never Responded. This Creature that was Captured had 8 Children , Bye men of the Village ? ( ? I do not Know ? I can’t even stand Whiskers ! How could you Lay with something covered w/ 5 – 6 inch Hair ………….. ewwww!) 4 Children were Taken from her. After the Women of the Village put 2+2 together . They Found she was Rinsing the Children off , as they were Born. The SHOCK of the Glacial Water bye the Village was Killing these Children .
    The other 4 who Survived , Grew up & lived Normal Lives .
    When news of this Story reached the PEOPLE . & the Time it took for Scientist to reach the Village . It was nearly 100 years After the Fact . there were only 5 People alive who were actually at her Funeral. & they could not All Agree on the Location of her Burial.
    Muslim Region , No tomb Stones .
    But they did Remember where her Son was Buried ! They Exhumed his Skull . & a photo was Taken of it’s left Profile. ( Was this to Hide the Mental Formin ? the Dimple on our Chin , Is located underneath the Right Eye Socket of Neanderthal . a Tell Tale Mark .)
    If we can reproduce with these Feral People ? – They ARE Human .
    All the D.N.A samples tested have been Labeled CONTAMINATED . Because they all read Human. Sorry , since now I KNOW . what can ya do ? I no longer buy into the Evolution Bologna ” The Origin of Species & Preservation of the Favored Races ” . They can keep their Journals. Is this the Root of Racism today ? That one color of Man , could possibly be more Evolved than another ? & not so much in History , but it IS a Fact : Aboriginal People of Australia where killed bye the Thousands , for their Skulls . How they possess a heavy brow ridge , & Heavy Jaw. All the University’s HAD to Have One ! Because when they found a Skeleton of one of these Creatures in the Neander Valley Germany ? & Called it Cave Man ?
    Pastor Skip , Is Esau Sasquatch ? ( Not , His Location . Him , Himself ?
    1) When he was Born , he came out Red all Over , as If Wearing a Garment of Hair. (? Now ; I don’t KNOW , but that sounds like more than just a Hairy Back ?)
    2) Before they were Even Born , Rebekah was Told ” 2 Nations struggle With in you , 2 different Manor of People will be Separated from your Bowels. The One will be the Stronger but will Serve the Younger ” What does that Mean ? 2 Nations ? Different Manor of People ? 1 Stronger ? Serve the Younger ? Are the Sasquatch People in Deed Stronger than We Are ? ( You Bet )
    3) Esau was His Father Favorite , He was a Cunning Hunter & His Father did like to Eat of his Venison. A Wild Man of the Field
    ( what does that Mean ?) Jacob was His Mothers Favorite , for he was Plain Man. Who Dwell in Tents ( what is that about ?)
    4) This bowl of Stew ? I am hung up on that , where it Fits …. very possible it could be something else ? Than the Point of View I am seeing ? But I would mention my failures , in case some one can Improve on it ? I Am ONLY a Man.
    5) This Blessing ? What Was IT ? & So Important , that the Mother risks Her Husbands Scorn. To ensure her ‘Favorite’ got the Blessing Instead ? To the Point of Fashioning Gloves for Jacobs Hands , & a Scarf for his Neck , from Goat Skin ? & Put Esau’s House Coat onto Jacob , So he would ” Smell ” Like Esau ?( Where else do we Hear of something with a Distinct Body Oder ?)
    4.5) When Jacob first hears of this , he isn’t so KEEN on the Idea . He even Said ” Ahhhhhh , I don’t Know ? Won’t Father Know ? When he take this Dish from my Hands ? or when he pulls me close bye the Back of my Neck ; To kiss my Forehead ? When he Blesses Me ? He will Know , Esau is a Hairy Man & I am but a Plains Man . I will earn his Curses instead of Blessings !” His Mother said ” Do as I Say ! let his Curses be on Me !”
    6)When it Goes Down , Why wouldn’t Issac KNOW ? Because he Felt his Hands & Neck , When he Drew him Near , Smelt Esau’s House Coat ? Thought , ‘ it Feels like Him , Smells Like Him , I have Eaten the Meal. But it still sounds Like Jacob …….. He Blessed him Anyway .
    7) When Esau Returned , He Was Pissed ! & Swore in his Heart to Kill Jacob ( these things do not Tolerate our Kind . I am Certain they Eat us & more than Likely each other. ) After His Fathers Morning . And He Cried Out ” But What of ME ! Didn’t you save just a little Blessing for Me Also ? & Issac said “No. I did not. But I will Bless you with the Little I have Left ” Then , The Oil – The Grain – Blah , Blah , Blah Issac Blesses Esau with ” You & Your Brethren I have Given to your Brothers Hand just to Serve Him ( Wait ….. What ? I Thought he was Speaking about his Brother ? Who are These Brethren ? others of this Nation said to be in the Womb ?)
    You will Live & Die bye the Sword ( Wouldn’t a 9 – 14 foot tall Man , with the Muscle Density of that of a Primate ? Would that NOT Be a Great Asset ? for some Ancient General ; of an Army of Old ? Wouldn’t that Be a Weapon of Terror ? like Goliath ?) But the Time will come to Pass , when You Gain Dominion ( It lives in the Woods under the Sky – we live herded up in city’s & Town’s ? ) You will Break your Brothers Yoke from your Neck ( This Yoke of Being a Slave , Servant , Soldier ?) You Will eat of the Fat of the Land , & drink of the dew of Heaven. ( Do they Not ? I never seen one at Taco Bell ?)
    8) Jacob Fled , being warned of bye his Mother. Esau left
    After a While , their Mother Passed , they have come into Man hood , & into their Own . Jacob hears one day of his Brothers Approach. And He is Scared ! ( Isn’t Fear a Common Trait of these Encounters ? ) Jacob divided all he had in half , & sent the Women & Children to Esau baring Great Gifts Begging for Forgiveness . & was Cowering on the Ground bye the Time Esau arrived .( I might be embellishing a little – Trying to Keep the Theory Short ) But when His Brother seen Him , They Embraced . As Brothers long Separated Should. ( Not bye His Hands around his Neck )
    Pastor Skip ? Am I Correct in my Assumption ? I have Defended it since I found it . Because it Fits . I have those , who must have similar Interest as I do…… Comment on the Same Threads as do I . Who disagree with Me & My Theory . Their Reason Being they Believe Esau , is in Fact the Russian People ? Because of a verse that mentions ” Burning the Bones w/ Lye ” ? That that Means Esau has ties to the Last Czar of Russia? And Others on Facething , Think I am Just Crazy.
    But I do not Know ? I think all the ” Hairy Man ” in a time Before Razors ? ( wasn’t Every Man Hairy back then ? What is the Reason Behind Driving this Point in ?)
    I have Worked along side Russian People , they are Hard Workers . But did not impress on Me that they posses more Physical Strength than I Do.
    Could it Be ? That Esau IS Bigfoot ? that there is another Race of Human we share the Planet With ? One that works the Night Shift , having been Created for Such ? Am I correct to Think This ? or is it Blatantly Evident That I am Chasing a Fools Idea ?

    • Christopher c

      Jay Carlson,I am with you on a lot of those thoughts and you are not alone as I think the same way,in fact at age 17 when I was about to go atheist due to my parents divorce and a recent break up with my girlfriend of 2 years when all the sudden here comes a 5-7 hundred pound bi-ped following me down a logging road forcing me to remember how to pray because it was all I had to save me that night, having to reconsider my faith I looked for evidence in the Bible and Esau and Enkidu had me very suspicious as to what they were so I guess you are not alone when it comes to Sasquatch being in the good book,the Mormons as well as some native bands refer to it as Cain.

      • Jay Carlsen

        Thank You Sir ( Sorry – Spelled my Name wrong . Sorry – Pet Peeve . As – Son- would say I was from Sweden. But My Father is from Denmark. And They spell it – Sen – Carlsen. Sorry – I am Doomed to point that out. ) I am not concerned of anything else. Yes I read the Quran. But I am not Certain ANYONE has it Right ?
        I Tip Toe around the Skin Color deal …. As the way I Look at It ? How could the Voice that Spoke Everything into Being ? Drop to only being Able to Create 1 Single Human ? & Have to Take a Rib ( The Only Bone that will grow Back ) To make Women ? Just Created ALL MATTER ? & can Only put together 1 Man ?
        I don’t KNOW ? I wasn’t There … But I am new at this kinda/sorta . Since I had this Crazy Dream sometime in the Month of August 2001 ; Where I Heard HIM say 4 Words.
        I Woke Up a Christian. Because I Heard HIM Speak. And Can No Longer Deny it .
        I don’t know about Cain to much ? But Outside the Garden seems to have been Populated ? Since He Feared People Persecuting Him for what He did ? If Everyone came from Adam ? Then you wouldn’t Think He had Anyone to Fear ? For there were NONE Around ?
        I did see a Clip on the Youtube , of a Native American was saying His Father Remembered BEFORE He was Put in the Body He Inhabited. And He was in a Waiting Room ? Waiting with other Children … And One of these Children were Covered with Hair ! & He went to a Body , right before this Mans Father was Sent to His .
        I get called all kinds of Honky Names. When I politely point out to Black Pastors on the YouTube , That Esau is Not the White Man . It Reads – He came Out Red , All Over , As if Wearing a Garment of Hair – I read it as He had Red Hair. Christopher c ? What color was the Thing that chased you down that Logging Road ?

        • Roy F

          For your sake I was relieved to learn that English is not your first language. You are making Christianity too complicated. Declaring atheism because your parents divorced and you broke up with your girlfriend is immature. People being different colors is nothing. Birds appear in various colors, they are still birds. Racism is an excuse to blame others for their own failures. And living things will always hang out with their own kind. When’s the last time you saw a cardinal and a blue jay paired together? Sasquatch are animals and have nothing to do with spirituality, so leave them out of your quest to find peace in the world. If God gave you a vision and talked to you, you’re fortunate. Stop your nonsense and listen to him.


    I am an experienced predator caller, I would caution you, some times the animals respond quickly and aggressively and almost run you over, (and I not even talking about BF). For bigfoot you may want to use an electronic call with a remote, so you can get the sound away from your person, and the cool thing about some of the better callers, is that you can down load different sounds from the internet and put them on your call.. Be careful have some elevation and make sure your back side is safe…

  17. Debbie C

    Jay Carlsen,

    Wow you have alot of questions. I’ve personally always thought
    when we die only then all questions will be answered.
    The planet is full of unanswered questions.
    But at least you were able to hear the Lords voice:)
    I think that alone would satisfy me.

    • Jay Carlsen

      Thank You . ( I wasn’t even Looking for Satisfaction ? I was content being Ignorant ) I just don’t understand why Me ? As I SteadFast Against any such Idea – Until I woke Up.

  18. Frankie P

    2 really good episodes! In enjoyed the one from Goliad, been there several times. I can see that happening down here… I’m further South and we have BF here too – after hogs I expect, and there are plenty of water tanks etc. for cattle and wildlife. The predator calls sound like an interesting thing to try, but never alone! That was a great account. Thank you Wes, hope to hear about your weekend too!

  19. m99

    ~Even with your ugly mug? You are a very kind and sweet person. Thank you for admonishing everyone to go armed if they attempt to call in the BF. And NO, you don’t have an ugly mug! We are your fans. _m

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