Mar 28

Sasquatch Theory: Bigfoot Film

Sasquatch Theory writes “In this interview, I meet up with Sean who recently recorded some sasquatch vocalizations back in 2019!

The Bigfoot howls that were recorded sound extremely unusual and unlike any animal I have ever heard here in Missouri. I have heard the same vocalizations several times on the internet. I honestly did not think the bigfoot would get that vocal here in the show me state especially during the daylight hours!

I was able to pull out the sounds that Sean recorded using some audio software and I was surprised by the depth of the vocals. Sean and I both agreed it seems like the creature was trying to find his clan or he possibly lost a family member. We have to remember gathering evidence is an extremely difficult task and even then we can only speculate the reality of the situation. I was very excited to meet up with Sean and hear his take on the situation.

I met up with Sean and he gave me a tour of his properties and explained everything that happened. The property and surrounding habitat were very interesting. The spring-fed creek runs all year round and you can tell the soil is very nutrient-rich. This is important because during the growing season mushrooms and thick vegetation will grow in this area. Most of Missouri is made up of oaks and cedar trees, so finding food and clean water is important I believe! It also appears as though the waterways that surround the property act as a natural travel corridor for wildlife.

Sean also took me close to the area where the sasquatch blasted his call at. I noticed the creek parallels this area all the way through, and the space between each property line was very vast in the distance as it seemed to be all farming property.”

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