One of the most famous of Sasquatch/Human encounters in Bigfoot history occurred September 1941.
The Chapman family of five living in rural area near Ruby Creek endured a week of terror. It started with the Chapmans nine year old son coming into their house from playing outside in a state of shock. The boy informed his mother that a big brown “Cow” was coming out of the woods. The mother noticed how shook up her son was and immediate went outside to investigate.
What she witnessed would forever changed their lives. Standing about 300′ away at the edge of the treeline watching her was a hulking eight tall humanoid male covered in five inch long yellow/brown haired Omah. As Jeannie and the Sasquatch locked eyes she shouted for her nine year old to grab a big blanket and round up the other two kids. The bold Bigfoot probably realized there was no husband and rifle at home started to advance in the open in daylight towards her. She turned away and quickly went inside the house and wrapped her kids in the blanked in an effort to hide them from the Sasquatch. When mom and kids came back outside the huge Omah was only 100′ away and closing.
This is my retelling/re-enactment of the Chapman’s family week long chilling encounters with the Sasquatch. Note: Every day they found large Bf prints close to their house and around their property from the nightly 2 am visits and vocalizations.
A great report of how a mother protected her kids from the Omah! Happy Mother’s Day!
Michael L
No weapons in the house. What is wrong with these anti-gun fools. They must be commie-crats to not have at least a rifle…
Glen K
(New Jersey) Michael, you are too much!! Commie-crats?? Too funny! While it is strange that a family living in the Canadian wilderness didn’t have a rifle, I don’t think that makes them commie-crats!?
Michael L
Hell now Glen, I can’t even sleep unless my hand touches the VP70 next to my pillow at night…
My 30 odd 6. Was nothing but a pea shooter….
Charles R
I have read this story several times. Much cooler this way, actually seeing the old homestead. The John Greene achieve is great along with the gentleman that was actually there. I did not realize the Omah had been staking them out for a week or more. My best guess is it wanted those fish and was hoping to scare them away in order to take some. Guess it worked.
Trent M
VP70? Dang Michael that’s old school H&K.
Michael L
You got that right..
Michelle L
What is a VP 70?
Michael K
It must be sad to have to rely on guns for safety, god bless little old Ireland, we only use guns to run the british out !!!