Mar 21

Sasquatch eating mussels on the Ninnescah River

I never gave much thought to bigfoot, especially living in Kansas. I heard stories when I was a kid.

I was out for a walk by myself on a nice spring day enjoying nature and getting some peace and quiet away from my children. I like to walk down to the Ninnescah River, so I went to the closest bridge by our house. I walk quietly so I can hear everything around me, I practice listening to everything and using all my senses when I walk. I got to the edge of the bridge at the river and I stopped as I saw a figure squatting down at the edge of the river.

First I thought it was a homeless person or local, but then I noticed they were covered in hair, so then I wondered why someone would be dressed in a bigfoot costume at this remote area by the river, then I looked around to see if there was anyone else filming trying to pull a hoax or something- you never know what the teenagers will do these days. There was no one, and that’s when I started noticing other details that pointed to the reality of the situation.

The bigfoot was breaking open mussels or clams or whatever and then eating them, which made me think ‘Who would eat that raw from this dirty river where there is trash laying around?’. That’s when it fully dawned on me that this was not a human. It was covered in a brown hair/fur. It was squatting with its back towards me the whole time, it never looked back at me, and I didn’t move until I turned and left to go home to try to get my phone to take a picture (which it was dark by the time I got home and there was nothing there when I got back).

It just kept opening mussels and eating them, and it would hit them on the rocks to break them open. It had long arms, and it squatted flat footed, which I thought would be a difficult position to hold, as I squat with my heels up off the ground. It’s hands were shaped more like human hands, but the color was darker and the texture was kind of like gorilla/ape hands. I couldn’t say for sure how tall it was, but it seemed younger, probably 6+ foot or 7 foot tall, but I’d have to have someone help me determine how big it really was.


See full report


9 Responses to “Sasquatch eating mussels on the Ninnescah River”

  1. Charles K

    I have heard 2 similar reports just like this. One was on F.B. and the other from an eyewitness in Vermont. The Poultney river that runs through Whitehall, NY, and into Vermont contains 10 mussel species. It’s the most biologically diverse river in the state of Vermont. Fresh water mussels contain 70 calories, 10 grams of protein, 3 carbs, 2 grams of fat and are rich in Selenium, vitamin B12, zinc and folate. They were a huge part of the local native tribes here in New England. A quick, ready to eat nutritious snack for a large primate.

  2. Janetta V

    I live in Oklahoma, in the central part, and I’m older now, but when I think back to my younger life, I get a little ponderous. Set, I hunted rabbits with my 22. every single chance I got except for when there were little ones, and I think my guardian angels must have gone with me every step. The biggest thing I ever ran into was a scared coyote. Thanks.

  3. Dave T

    Kansas is definate not known for BFs because of the terrain. There are many places to hide an 8 ft tall hairy biped. The best places would be in the timbered and brushy creek and river bottoms. Kansa has one of my favorite stories about a BF from a long time ago. Look up the story about ” Old Shep.”

  4. Terry W W

    Man, if bigfoot can survive in New Mexico and Arizona areas, Kansas would be easy for bigfoot to survive. It is amazing how this creature can adapt to all types of terrain and climate and doing it without the use of fire.

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