Mar 11

Sam Houston National Forest Vocals

TAAPS writes “The following audio clips were recorded during a month long expedition in Sam Houston National Forest on January 11 2020. Both recording are from same exact location within the forest. The vocals had an exciting playful variance to them from whistles to up——— than down———than back up. These are very interesting and amazing at the same time”

12 Responses to “Sam Houston National Forest Vocals”

  1. Charles R

    The area where it forms a M sounds like a first responder or police siren. Others have also noted this sound on other projects. Is this an interaction with coyotes and the possible synergism with these two species?

  2. Christopher A

    I ve actually recorded soft wind that the same. I may log into taaps, but I’ll be honest, not sure if it’s fair as I not wanting to do anything more then find them. High pitch sounds just aren’t scary deep roars are though. Lol

  3. Anne W

    I spend alot of time in Sam Houston and I have heard this one time. A forest road that had been closed for over a year opened up so it was not swarmed with people yet so I went camping.

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