Sep 11

“Remembering the lost, Honoring the survivors and Never forgetting the heroes”

September 11, 2001, the attacks killed 2,996 people, injured over 6,000 others, and caused at least $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage. Many more died of 9/11-related cancer and respiratory diseases in the months and years following the attacks.

12 Responses to ““Remembering the lost, Honoring the survivors and Never forgetting the heroes””

  1. Bryan H

    So true, this day should always be as important and etched into our minds to never forget as with Pearl Harbor. To all who lost there lives, we should have a moment of silence.

  2. Reid D

    Godspeed to the FirstResponders on that terrible morning!! Running to it when others were running away! To all our military that have been deployed and especially the ones who did not make it back!! I thank you and God Bless you and yours!!

  3. Amy H

    In our most difficult moments, the best comes out. Thanks to the many who sacrificed to save others. What a great country. Couldn’t be prouder to be an American.

  4. Kent C

    Like most people who were around at the time, I can never forget that morning: …..And Like many, the images still bring tears to my eyes.

    ….But to TRULY honor those who lost their lives or loved ones in this terrible event, we must correct some of the long term results of this attack.

    Weak leaders, and those in Government who were pursuing their own divisive agendas used this event as justification for “The Patriot Act” and other similar legislation: Legislation that decimated Liberty and Individual Rights in this country.

    We now live in a country where EVERY phone conversation, email, text message, and social media post is monitored and recorded. Personal Privacy no longer exists! Our Freedom of Speech has been severely infringed, and is still under further attack. In many ways, Osama Bin Laden won on September 11th 2001: ……Because his attack ultimately destroyed the FREE America some of us still remember.

    If we are to truly commemorate those who lost their lives, we must work to bring back the America we have lost! Contact your Senators and Representatives in Congress and DEMAND that “The Patriot Act” be repealed!

    • Wolf

      Bin Laden did not win that day… his puppet masters did.

      To truly commemorate those murdered the REAL actors behind this event must be brought to justice. The answer is in right front of you, Que Bono?

  5. Charles R

    I watched a history channel special called 102 minutes on the anniversary. It contained many different camera’s from news people and private citizens that were documenting that god awful day. Just heat wrenching. Had the intelligence operations done their job this never would have happened.

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