Mar 2

Preview of Paul Grave’s audio

Paul will be discussing the trackway that was found. Paul will be sharing what he found during his investigation, there is more to the story.

Here is a preview of the show where Paul shares some of his audio:

4 Responses to “Preview of Paul Grave’s audio”

  1. Michael L

    How could you even try to fake those tracks. They go on for the longest way, 8 feet between them with huge bare feet…I hope that no one tries to put an age to them of exactly 6 to 8 million years ago…

    • Mark B

      Doubters will alway create an alternative answer. The guy used stilts for example. As silly as that sounds it will become the answer to these tracks if nothing else can explain it. Anything but a Sasquatch. Like the bible says ” cast not your pearls before swine.

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