Aug 19

Paul’s aggressive Bigfoot encounter

Paul’s second Bigfoot or Sasquatch encounter. This Bigfoot sighting was very traumatic for Paul and left him with serious PTSD. Come listen to a scary Sasquatch encounter and some follow up on the last story Paul shared.


11 Responses to “Paul’s aggressive Bigfoot encounter”

  1. m99

    “Inside of me there are two dogs. One is mean and evil and the other is good and they fight each other all the time. When asked which one wins I answer, the one I feed the most.”
    ― Sitting Bull

  2. Susan B

    @m99 – I’ve read that statement from Sitting Bull before and it is so true isn’t it. Are you relating it to the BF’s ability to feed which ever dog they want? If so, I have to agree with you. I think they have free will to choose good or bad just like us. Sitting Bull’s words were an excellent choice for relaying that opinion.

  3. m99

    ~Oh, and we have freedom to think positively or negatively. If we dwell on injurious things we will become negative & bitter. And in this case here, I believe BF conveyed it’s freedom as well. Just thoughts…

  4. Susan B

    As far as Paul goes I hope and pray that Brenton can help him. Maybe with both counseling and spiritual guidance from Brenton, Paul can finally have a normal life. He seemed to have such a strong, friendship bond with the juvenile, female Squatch and when it was broken, along with the other broken relationships in his life, it carved some serious scars into his emotional subconscious. That said, in my humble – not scientific – opinion the female Squatch was only doing what her parents had been teaching her to do, probably her whole life, and that was to steer clear of humans – especially after a certain age. Yes Squatches look a lot like supposedly extinct apes but normally there are rarely color variations within different species of apes. (Dogs and other “pets” only have color variations due to breeding for special purposes.) So, why do Squatches have such a variety in their coloring much like humans? Blondes, brunettes, redheads, silver and also a sort of albino as well? I’m still hanging on the bandwagon that these ape like critters have some human DNA in them, some more so than others. Not to mention that if that is the case they haven’t interbred with humans for hundreds or thousands of years like they used to which could be why they look more apish now? This smidgen of human DNA could therefore be why they are given free will by God/ The Creator. It seems that many choose to disobey God’s laws while others, much like humans, listen to the bad dog in their head. A lot of the east Texas variety appear to “maybe” be clones of Squatches with demonic entities inside them. Just stinking out loud here.

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