Nov 12

Paranormal Portal Podcast: Incredible Paranormal Encounters

Brent writes “On this episode of the Paranormal Portal Podcast, we discuss many people’s encounters with the paranormal. Some of these experiences have made skeptics believers.

Others have made believers very afraid. While the Paranormal has no schedule, many people have absolutely had their lives changed by the appearance of the impossible into their lives. There is no question that once you witness the impossible, the entire framework of a person’s life changes. The stable reality that so many have clung to becomes a shifting pool of possibilities.”

2 Responses to “Paranormal Portal Podcast: Incredible Paranormal Encounters”

  1. Debbie Chamberlin

    I can remember when I was around age six
    or seven years old, it was midnight.
    I woke up from sleeping and had to
    go to the bathroom.
    My bedroom was at the end of a long
    narrow hallway. The bathroom wasn’t
    far from my bedroom -just down the hall.
    I get out of bed and walk to my
    bedroom door. It’s dark, no night lights are
    on. Something very tall, very wide and blacker
    than the night was infront of me.
    I was so scared! I wispered to it, please
    move away? I must use the bathroom?
    I watch it back off from me. I proceed to
    the bathroom. It seem to of left me alone.
    I go back to my bed and go to sleep.
    I wake up the next morning and notice a floating
    2×4 wood shelving floating above my body.
    I slip out from under it and stand up beside my bed.
    I watch the wood shelving vanish.
    Never would I tell my parents what I saw. My parents
    never witness anything in that old house.
    All this took place in the 1960’s.

  2. Tracey F

    Street lights go out for me as well. I have A- blood, and apparently, that blood type experiences magnetic interference. I’ve been told by an electrician that this “doesn’t happen”, but whenever I travel down any road at night, the lights pop off one by one. I also have to pay thousands to fix the electrical system in my car, so I’m considering buying a car that doesn’t have electrical components to run.

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