Nov 27

Mattsquatch Presents: Tree Knocking Explained

Mattsquatch Presents writes “Hello everyone, today I would like to talk to you about tree knocking. This is long reported behavior when Bigfoot’s are in an area. Lets take a look at a few reason why they may be doing this.”

5 Responses to “Mattsquatch Presents: Tree Knocking Explained”

    • Sid N

      F.S. From my experience I’ve surmised a few things about the wood knocking. I live on a road between two steep hills. There are only a few families living here. I have heard woodknocking at various times day and night. I do think it is used as a locator, it is used to forwarn of humans approaching, it is used in hunting. Given the circumstance, ages and health of the people living here, it is highly unlikely that these folks make the climb to wander around on treacherous terrain to beat on trees at all hours of the day and night. It is my belief that few men, if any are strong enough or large enough to produce the sound of these knocks. You would have to amplify the sound made when a human hits a tree by some 10-20 times in loudness and sheer force. I don’t think it’s possible. In addition to the terrain, what would be the motivation for a human to be out in pitch darkness, or even bad weather, day and night, at various hours and days, beating on trees in the woods and mountains? We have bear and big cats around here. I’ve been aware of this activity for some 12 years or longer now. I hardly think any human would keep up the charade for so many years. During that time, young people have grown up and moved away, and older folks have passed away. The last time I heard knocking was only a few nights ago.

      • Sid N

        Post Script: Once you hear woodknocking, you will never forget it and you are able to know it immediately when you hear it again. The sound from a tree is similar to what is produced from a drum in deep to the core vibration of the tree. Because of that, I’m wondering if they use the large hollow trees. I’ve often wondered if they are selective of the trees they will use, knowing the ones that produce the best and deep resonance? We’re not likely to ever know.

  1. Kim C. L

    My wife and I were in Yellowstone Park a few years ago. There was a moose feeding beside the road, and people were stopping to photograph it, car doors were slamming, horns were honking, kids yelling, the moose paid absolutely no attention to any of it, its head down feeding. There was a small noise in the woods behind it, kind of like a little branch breaking or something, I don’t remember exactly, but the moose was instantly alert, head up, ears searching. The contrast in its behavior was obvious, at least to Beth and I. Ignored the human generated noise, paid instant and close attention to the natural noise.

    • Glen K

      (New Jersey) Kim, I’m not an outdoorsman, but I think I have a possible explanation. An animal like a moose- in a protected area with no hunting like Yellowstone- has perhaps become used to the human made sounds you mentioned. He’s heard these noises over a long period of time, and does not associate it with any harm. Perhaps people even feed him. (her) However, when out in the woods, he’s witnessed animal predation, and understands the danger. Oh well, just a guess.

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