Mar 5

Living Among Bigfoot: First Contact Book Review

Brady Baxter writes “Living Among Bigfoot: First Contact is the first in the Living Among Bigfoot series by author Tom Lyons. The series covers the author’s personal experiences with the mysterious creatures known as Sasquatches and how he came to know of their existence.”

5 Responses to “Living Among Bigfoot: First Contact Book Review”

  1. pam

    I remember seeing Brady awhile back, he has really become quite the awesome Sasquatch searcher and student. Best book report ever, Brady!
    Can’t wait to see you in the next few years; watch out Wes, he may be a threat!

  2. Trent M

    Pam can you give us your opinion after you read it? The reviews on Amazon are pretty positive but I’d rather hear from someone who’s opinion I respect.

  3. Kris G

    Very interesting! I am chiming in to recommend also listening to Khat Hansen on World Bigfoot Radio with Duke #26, 36, 43…she does not live out in the woods with the Ki’Hosa Clan but for 50 yrs her life has been entwined with these buggers….so very interesting….fills in many puzzle pieces in and around all the pieces that Wes has brought to light with his Chronicles shows. Two more people who have reported getting to know a Sasquatch on personal terms would be Taylor with Scooter and Kevin with the Glagg saga…also on World Bigfoot Radio. I discovered these by Wes posting some of these programs on his blog, and I say thank you for that…altho Taylor, telling his original LBL encounter, was on a Sas Chron show early on and it is one my favorite encounters! …right up there with the We Need Help Brothers and the terrified guy peeing out his truck onto a squatch! This whole subject presents a picture as wide as the world and encompasses the fall of Satan to modern day encounters with government cover up. Of coarse the worst encounters can never be told. What a giant jigsaw!!! Thanks Wes…your show is the BEST…I have listened to every one, and most 2-3 times and some 4-5 times. The puzzle is coming together…I know we will never meet, but to me you are a friend and I love love listening to your shows. Well Done!

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