May 29

Late night visitor

Watch as Brenda checks out a fellow follower and his trick with bleach.

6 Responses to “Late night visitor”

  1. Jeffrey H

    This gentleman that used the bleach is a pretty smart man! He got the exact results he was looking for. This is one of those tricks that you need to keep in the back of your mind for a later date! Thanks Brenda!! Great story.

  2. Derek R

    If your getting late night visitors around your house sprinkle baking flour around your house…..not alot just a dusting…..should get good results also…..just make sure its not supposted to rain the night you do it

    • Avis B

      I have used flour to catch my kids leaving the house late at night.. through the window.. found out it was a her coming in my window not him leaving.. but a very good idea.. for sure.. Bleach is a good one as well..!!

  3. Charles R

    That is quite the trick. Now myself I would be quite pissed stepping into bleach with the terrible smell and if you had any cuts that is going to sting. Heck I got irritated yesterday motorcycling in SW Ohio and finding I had stepped in gum and it was preventing me from lifting my right foot off the footpeg efficiently, let alone the mess to clean. You might get the big fellar upset. Nice foot outline though. I like Derek R idea of flour.

  4. Jack M

    If you have a dirt area just take a steel rake and rake the ground until it is soft and there are no prints. you will get great tracks of whatever walks across that area. The animals only smell fresh dirt and no chemical smell to warn them to stay away.

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