Sep 26

Large Mountain Bigfoot Shows True Strength

Sonny Vator writes “After two weeks of surveillance we finally got a good hit at the shelter site on a remote trail camera. This thing is one weird looking fur bearing beast, whatever it is its back after authorities extracted human remains from what appears to be a stash site.

Update as of April 11 2024, beast has not been seen since the time of this video, search continues. The human remains have been identified as Donald Bigcalf, refer to video within channel Bigfoot Attack In The Canadian Rockies.”

Link to the video

13 Responses to “Large Mountain Bigfoot Shows True Strength”

  1. Ron S

    Oh no, not the never ending saga of Blue Beard the Pirate Bigfoot again šŸ˜‚. I prefer the one you did four years ago with the ā€œElusive Bigfootā€ā€¦ You can totally tell thereā€™s a guy behind the tree with a mounted deer head who knows nothing about realistic deer movement as he slowly pulls the buck head behind the tree before Blue Beard shows up in one of his first performancesā€¦ haha! Youā€™d crap yourself if you really saw one Sonnyā€¦ Maybe you will someday. God Bless

  2. Mark G

    duke he lifts that tree like itā€™s a baseball batā€¦.you would never ever lift a tree that easily look again duke, i guarantee you could never lift that tree like that, look again sir

  3. Charles R

    Jeepers, phony as a 3 dollar bill. Reading comments from original video 10 months ago, this guy has fooled a lot of people. You can see the human face deep inside the black parka hood. There is no great feat of strength here with these skinny trees, in fact at 68 years old I could pull this off. A real Sasquatch would have made all the movements in this video in about 5 seconds and why would one, they have better things to do.

    • m99

      Is this the one circulating on TicToc? My sister told me and a 10 foot BF coming into an opening and threw a tree at lookers on. I didn’t say anything, but thought, that doesn’t sound right. Then she said she saw a TicTok post as well where they caught several BF on camera/trail cams. I thought, ummmm… you know, a whole lot of fakery goes on.

  4. Rodger f

    Real or not I know something is out there and I truly wonder how many videos and pictures are actually real, and shows like finding bigfoot have made the whole thing a comedy to most, that the majority of people are gonna cry fake no matter what.

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