Apr 28

Large dark humanoid figure walking along the highway

According to an article from the CC Headliner newspaper, written by Sam Uptegrove, details an unexpected encounter by an anonymous couple, a man and woman, as they were traveling on the evening of December 23rd near Phillipsburg, Missouri.

Fate may have played a hand in this encounter because the pair ditched their normal four-hour long Christmas Eve trek to the in-laws and, this year, decided to leave home on the evening of the 23rd. What started out as an attempt to avoid some unnecessary holiday traffic turned into a night they would never forget.

Just after 7 pm, the duo was driving eastbound on I-44 and, approximately three to four miles past the Phillipsburg exit, both of them witnessed a large, dark humanoid figure walking along the shoulder of the road, around one hundred feet ahead of their vehicle.  According to the article, the pair realized there was something unusual about the figure illuminated in the car’s headlights.

The man told Uptegrove he was instantly sure the figure was Bigfoot because it was around seven feet tall and ‘stocky enough to play pro football’. It’s worth noting, the man was so convinced that he called Uptegrove just three hours after the encounter to report the sighting.

The man said the creature was walking along the road and, as their car passed by, glanced at the couple but was otherwise oblivious to their proximity.  It had a particularly long gate and covered the ground very quickly.  The driver of a vehicle, heading in the opposite direction, also must have seen the creature because the vehicle’s brake lights illuminated and the vehicle slowed for a moment.


According to Uptegrove’s article, the man described the creature, “It was covered with real dark brown hair about three to four inches long all over,” he said. “I would guess his weight to be in the neighborhood of 400 pounds and maybe more. The classic features that I have read about over the years were all there; the kind of pointy head, little or no neck and less hair on the face than the rest of its body. The face looked much more like a human than an ape, although it did have a noticeable brow ridge and a broad nose. I didn’t see any eye shine when it turned its head to look at us, like deer and other animals have at night.”

The man admits he did believe in Bigfoot and claims his brother also had an encounter with a similar creature in Oregon, around eight years ago.


Credit: CCHeadliner

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