Apr 29

“8 to 9 foot tall, it’s arms hung to its knees”

1989 Hardin County, KY
Estimated time: Between 10:00 and 11:00am

BIGFOOT_YETI“My girlfriend and I, along with some friends, went into the woods behind my future father-in-law’s house to target shoot. My girlfriend’s little brothers and little sister were following us in the woods. When they caught up with us, they were scared and crying. They said something was following them. So myself and two other guys went to see if we could see what, or who, was following them. We couldn’t see or find anything at first, but as we were heading back to the others, there it was down the hill from us! It had to be at least 8 to 9 foot tall covered in dark black hair. Its arms hung down to its knees. We were dumb and started shooting at it, but then we stopped. It really wasn’t trying to hurt us it, it was just watching us. Soon after we stopped shooting at it, it was gone.

About every other night we could hear it coming up the hollow in those woods. It would scream. It was like it was right next to you! The hair on the back of my neck would stand up.Their big Chow would hide in his doghouse until the next morning.”

Describe the creature with detail: “8 to 9 foot tall, dark black hair, it had to be at least 800lbs. and its arms hung to its knees.”

Follow up: The creature was about 80 yards away, down in a hollow. It was just standing there on the other side of the creek looking up at us. It was all black with a black face. The thing that stuck out most were the length of the arms. “The hands hung down to it’s knees,” explained Rick. He estimated it at approximately 4 foot across the shoulders. Rick opened fire with a shotgun and his friend fired a .22, just enough to scare it off. During the frantic barrage of gunfire, when the smoke cleared, it had vanished. They did not see it leave.


See the full report here

26 Responses to ““8 to 9 foot tall, it’s arms hung to its knees””

  1. Kent C

    I taught my three children to shoot, and I can assure all here that none of MY kids would have been silly enough to open fire on “Big Game” with a shotgun and a .22 at a range of 80 yards!! (….If you’re being charged at 10 yards, that’s a different matter: ….You use what have, and get prepared to find out if your pastor was telling you the truth!)

    The kids in this account were lucky that the critter didn’t decide to end the nuisance gunfire “The Hard Way”!!

    • joe r

      That’s just what i was thinking Kent, If that animal wanted to, it could have jumped that creek, covered 80 yards in about 3 seconds flat and decapitated both of those boys with one swing of the bat so to speak. But they were just boys and not knowing any better said, let’s shoot at it and scare it away. I would imagine that they look back on it now and say what the hell were we thinking ?

  2. tony c

    kent the sasquatch doesnt know whats a .22 or shotgun or potato gun for that matter what it prob does know is them things are dangerous, it left so i guess it worked, got to live to tell of their experience, id love to see one but they not in these parts.

    • Kent C

      I dunno……………………

      I’ve listened to and read many accounts on THIS site that seems to indicate that many BF have a VERY clear understanding of just what kind of threat a firearm constitutes.

      But regardless of what you think about that issue, I think that one point remains: …..It is irresponsible (…and just WRONG) to use a weapon that is only capable of wounding the target animal. Slow death by infection and gangrene is a lousy way to go.

  3. Daniel L. W

    i sure wouldnt be comfortable at being shot at with a shotgun or a .22 at 80 yds?And if sass are flesh and blood and feel pain a,unless they were protecting something they probably wouldnt risk being shot with either.ya they shouldnt have risked it but it left,and i bet it thought twice about following those kids again…wait till its a 10 yards and it may be to late.if you cant shoot accurately past that then you shouldnt take a gun in the field!

    • Derek G

      That is what I was thinking Christopher. “When the smoke cleared?” He makes the story sound like an old western or something. No way they were using black powder with words like, “Open fired, started to shoot at it”, sort of description that makes you think of standard shotgun and .22. Besides that, the way he describes coming upon the creature, “and there it was…..!”. Like someone telling a scary story around a campfire talk. “and all of a sudden it happened……! “, “I was hunting moose and came around a corner and there it was, the biggest bear I ever did see!” It reads like a Jack London, “Call of the wild” novel. Maybe its true and that is the way he really recounts it. I don’t know. Just speculating.

    • Mark B

      Christopher c LOL, I picked up on that too.last time I checked a .22 or shotgun leave no smoke to speak of. Perhaps these folks are fudging details…that is if it happened at all.

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