Jun 10


A listener writes “Lights in the forest are widely known in Japanese folklore. Kodama are tree spirits that inhabit ancient trees in the forests of Japan, which can present as little white humanoids, animals and lights. Its said they curse people who cut down the trees they inhabit and are for the most part benevolent so long as you are. Anyway, love your show, long time listener.”

Kodama are spirits in Japanese folklore that inhabit trees, similar to the dryads of Greek mythology. The term is also used to denote a tree in which a kodama supposedly resides. The phenomenon known as yamabiko, when sounds make a delayed echoing effect in mountains and valleys, is sometimes attributed to this kind of spirit and may also be referred to as “kodama”.

5 Responses to “Kodama”

    • Denise F

      I just got a chance to listen to the last Strange Familiar’s episode and I thought it was pretty interesting that each time the orbs came close to them there was a noticeable buzz or interference with the audio.

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