Apr 5

KBRO: Motorist’s Terrifying Bigfoot Encounter

Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization writes “On March 16, 2024 around 6:40AM, Ed was driving on highway 146 near Pendleton, Kentucky when he saw movement near some construction barrels so he slowed down fearing it may be a deer.

As he approached cautiously, a massive, black hairy creature leaned over and looked directly at him through his front windshield! He said, “I literally jumped out of my seat!”

He said it looked like a pissed-off gorilla, however it had a wide, flat, human-like nose. There have been many sightings VERY close to this location in Henry County which have been well-documented by the Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization.”


Link to the video

One Response to “KBRO: Motorist’s Terrifying Bigfoot Encounter”

  1. Charles R

    Wow. As much as I want to see one again, I do not think this would be the way. I would probably jump out of my seat. Very good sketch by Terry Thomas. I bought a print from him about a decade ago at Salt Fork Lake, OH.

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