Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
I want to thank Bobbie for sharing this encounter. Bobbie writes “A few years back my husband told me to come tell him what I seen in the tree out back with a set of binoculars. Well I looked a few times and finally spotted what looked to me as a big monkey of some sort…so playing around I in my loudest voice made a monkey noise…well then to my surprise it jumped down turned its head and looked in my direction. Not sure if it yawned or what but I then got a look at its teeth and more of its size.
I then realized this was no monkey I was seeing. With the broken arrow safari not real far from me I told me husband to call 911. I thought maybe a large ape had gotten loose. Well this is where it gets a tad stranger….2 police officers came and walked to the area I pointed out to them was….about 20 mins later about 5 more squad cars showed up with I would guess a total of 10-15 officers were out in that area for about 2 hours or so…also heard sirens of some kind in this time…well went the last 2 officers came back to their car which was in front of my house I asked them so what did yall see…they said nothing at all. I find that hard to believe. I know what I seen and had even woke my daughter up for her to witness this. The other day she asked me if I thought maybe what her my husband and myself had seen could of been a bigfoot. I had thought this to myself about a year before her saying this.
Lou Ann S
What would the officers had done if they found it I wonder? Pump it full of tranqs and haul it off?
tony c
pump it full of lead probably then cover it up by planting a gun in its hand! Suspended with full pay!
Jane M
Good input! Cover ups seem to be everywhere!
Jan W
Very interesting indeed… Great picture!
Craig T
Ummm…I would like to have a little correspondence with this witness if at all possible. Because….I live less than a mile from Safari Joes Sancuary. The area myself and the witness live in is far outside the city limits and right on the cusp of being completely in
“the country” as one would say.
if not to much to ask but I would appreciate it if the witness could contact me via email which can be provided to them by the administrators of SC.
When an an encounter happens closer to home, it takes on a whole new meaning of real!