Oct 22

I could hear it breathing and it sounded like it was winded

A listener writes “Hi Wes, over the last few years me and my son have had numerous bigfoot encounters fishing a local strip mine.

We have heard whistling at 2am, found trees twisted off, found a dead deer with the hide pulled down over the hoofs and have even had huge rocks thrown at us while fishing in my bass boat after midnight. Hardly anyone else fishes this large strip pit so most of the time we are the only ones out there. This occurs from March til October. During this time there is no wildlife around. After October into the winter months its loaded with deer.

We have found foot prints on a couple of occasions. One night I was in my boat fishing alone when a deer was attacked by the waters edge. All hell broke loose, I yelled at it and shined my 2,000,000 candlelight spot light. It bolted through the cattails so fast I couldn’t keep up with the light. It moved a couple hundred yards in seconds clearing a 10 ft creek that runs into the lake. It stopped in a wooded area up the bank about 20ft. I could hear it breathing as it sounded like it was winded. I was about a hundred ft from the bank when it grunted at me. I could feel the sound, like it went right through me.

This all started around 220 am and ended as it started getting light around 430 am. I stopped night fishing for a year. It prompt me to buy and carry a 9mm pistol I now carry to the lake. We have heard whoops on 2 occasions. This activity started 4 or 5 yrs ago and continues to this day. On those occasions its freakishly quiet. No frogs, crickets or anything. It seems as though the air is heavy, a weird feeling. I realize a 9mm isn’t a very big gun but I fish out of a 18 ft bass boat with a 150 outboard, so I can get out of a situation pretty fast. I am a veteran and 52 yrs old. I was raised pretty much in the outdoors hunting, fishing, ect.so I know the outdoors pretty well. This strip pit is surrounded by farm land and woods. Houses are few and far between, if a person yelled no one would hear you. I just felt I needed to tell someone and I felt you would understand more so than the bfro.”

5 Responses to “I could hear it breathing and it sounded like it was winded”

  1. pam

    Mines, tunnels. How many have heard of haunted ones? Wonder if the BF, Mtn. Giants and Canid Things are using them and scaring folks?
    You’d think it was haunted, not infested with cryptids.

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