Sep 29

History of Ancient Giants In Lovelock Cave

Today, we’re covering the story of the Lovelock Cave red-haired giants. It’s one of Nevada’s biggest unsolved mysteries: did ancient giants really roam this area throughout history?

Or were the giant skeletons supposedly found inside the Lovelock Cave fake? We decided to conduct our own investigative journalism and dive into this bizarre story. To this day, the mystery remains unexplained. While some believe the legend of the red-haired giants to be a true story, others believe it’s simply a myth. Either way, the “giant skulls” the Humboldt Museum used to display are now mysteriously gone. Because of the strange disappearance of the alleged red-haired giant skulls, many believe some sort of conspiracy is afoot.

Ever since these supposed giant skeletons were found, many theories have come to surface. Some even claim that these giants were proof of the existence of Nephilim, while others believe they’re the remains of paranormal creatures like bigfoot and sasquatch. Did proof of giants really exist in this Nevada cave?

2 Responses to “History of Ancient Giants In Lovelock Cave”

  1. Colleen B

    I enjoyed that video. I think the Smithsonian most likely has the bones, among other hidden relics the government does not want to come to light. Wasn’t a large handprint found on a cave wall and now is gone? Thanks for posting this Wes.

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