Mar 17

Grassman58: Strange eyes appeared

Sherman Pass (el. 5575 ft./1699 m.) is a high mountain pass that crosses the Kettle River Range in the state of Washington. It is the highest pass in the state maintained all year. The pass is located on the Sherman Pass Scenic Byway which traverses the Colville National Forest. The pass is surrounded by the aftermath of the 1988 White Mountain Fire. The pass was named after American Civil War general William Tecumseh Sherman who traveled across the pass in 1883.

Grassman58 writes “Strange eyes appeared in one of our photos while we were camping on Sherman Pass.”

2 Responses to “Grassman58: Strange eyes appeared”

  1. Linda B

    Very cool. Good mountain peace music in the background too. My theory is, hehe, the squatches knew these guys weren’t researching and looking for them because the guys kicking back and drinking beer and relaxing were at a lower energy frequency than a bunch of hopped up researchers gunning for them. So they thought they would come observe and join in the chill.

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