Sep 4

Goat Walking With Two Legs

A video from TikTok where a goat is seen walking on two legs has gone viral on social networks. The original 14-second video shows the black goat walking on its two hind legs inside a pen, accompanied by other farm animals.

9 Responses to “Goat Walking With Two Legs”

  1. Steven B

    There are some “scientists” that will tell you that this is not possible because the goat would not be able to breath properly while walking upright.

    In any case, I will begin to be concerned when they start carrying machetes and staves…

    • m99

      Oh dang! That’s horrible Jeremiah! My mother said she begged to have the little runt of the litter pig for a pet. They said okay. One day she came home and her “pet” was dinner. ????

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