Jun 8

Critical Thinking And Camouflage

Last night I interviewed Max Brooks, author of World War Z. The book and the movie are two different pieces of art. While Max was talking about artificial intelligence and how it will eventually take over, one thing A.I. cannot do is critical thinking. Which is something we as humans are able to do. I do not believe the creature we know as Sasquatch is smarter than humans. With critical thinking and problem solving I do believe we can solve the mystery of Sasquatch and the impossible will become the possible.

I was thinking about the movie side of World War Z last night and how Gerry Lane (Brad Pitt) used critical thinking to figure out why Zombies would run past some people and not see them. The answer was camouflage. Zombies will not eat someone who is sick. Here is one of the best scenes of the movie.

For those who have not seen the movie, Gerry Lane is in the pathogen vault. While inside the vault, after grabbing various diseases, a zombie is blocking the door, prompting Gerry to inject himself with an unknown pathogen and open the vault, thereby testing his own theory.

5 Responses to “Critical Thinking And Camouflage”

  1. Glen K

    (New Jersey) While it’s possible that critical thinking and problem solving may one day help solve the mystery of Sasquatch, it certainly is not a given. It was neither of those that helped man approach Bigfoot back in 1967. Basically two cowboys enabled us to get up close with Sasquatch by using good old fashioned hard work. They planned a trip specifically to prove Sasquatch existed, and spent several back braking weeks doing so. In the ensuing five decades, there have been incredible technological advances, not the least of which was the internet. Hundreds of scientists and laymen have spent countless hours trying to solve the mystery of Sasquatch. Television shows , books, and various organizations (SC, BFRO, etc.) have dedicated themselves to educating us on the subject. Yet we still have not solved the mystery of Sasquatch. Assuming one day we do, will it be critical thinking, problem solving, quantum physics, an alien connection, or just dumb luck?

  2. Denise F

    That was a great way to look at it. I can tell you cringe at the Google AI commercials like I do.

    When I saw that clip and it almost through I was like ‘oh God, they can talk’ !? ?

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