May 8

Bluff charged in WV

Brenton says “Sue went hunting with her husband and had a Bigfoot watch and charge her. The Sasquatch watched for a few hours while she sat by herself getting a very eerie feeling. From tree knocks, breaks and things being thrown it matches the typical Bigfoot encounter.”

2 Responses to “Bluff charged in WV”

  1. Sid N

    We’re deep in the Bible Belt and people are not particularly concerned with political correctness in this state. I once had an aunt who told me about seeing a very large, cinnamon colored, Grizzly bear in Wayne County, WV. The only problem, we don’t have Grizzly bears. We do have black bear. There are several examples of these bear on exhibit at the state Capitol building in Charleston, WV., which is only an hour and a half’s drive from Wayne County. While I wouldn’t want a face to face encounter, these bears are not that large. I have heard multiple accounts from very credible persons who have many times seen Sasquatch in Wayne County. Some persons refer to them as “Boogers.” My grandmother used to warn us grandchildren about “Boogers,” but I never questioned her about what they were. “Headless men” were often seen at night. We children supposed it to be nothing more than another ghost story, little did we know!

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