May 11

Bigfoot Hiding In Abandoned House Scares Boys

The Kentucky Bigfoot Research Organization writes “While opportunistic, Bigfoots may seek temporary shelter, however they’re far too intelligent to live in an abandoned house for any extended length of time (too risky).” – Charlie Raymond

5 Responses to “Bigfoot Hiding In Abandoned House Scares Boys”

  1. Brian L

    Heard something similar about an abandoned lodge on the side of Mount Shasta….
    Group of hikers went up there to check it out and encountered what they called Yeti’s….
    Probably just Sasquatch’s….no big deal….

  2. Linda B

    There’s an old house that has completely fallen down near my mother’s property and it’s an active area. After awhile you learn so much from listening to all these episodes that you start to see activity patterns. Makes sense an old abandoned house would make for a convenient shelter for these things.

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