Penford Media writes “Unheard: the stories of Bigfoot” is a Bigfoot documentary produced by Penford Media and Chaos Theater Productions and presented by Penford Studios. PROOF of Sasquatch in Upstate NY.
On September 30, 2023, our team went to Whitehall, NY for the “Sasquatch Festival & Calling Contest”. Thousands of people from all over the state, including lead investigators, authors and personalities came together for a festival centered around Bigfoot. Enjoy the first documentary from the Whitehall series, as we tell the unheard stories of Sasquatch”
Omnes M
they’ve done a really good job on this, far better than most of the videos out there…
Melissa K
Thank you for posting this, Wes! I have what ever has been going around..bad cough..up most nights coughing, ugh.
I am making dinner and then I am getting under the covers to watch this. Awesome!