From The Shadows writes “John joins us from Virginia to discuss some possible Bigfoot sightings in his area of Virginia. He also shares with us some stories from his job working for the local government in which there seems to be a coverup when it comes to big cats in the region.”
Ron S
If you haven’t heard, this cat connection is old news, like really old, ancient Egyptian old or older. I’m not saying all cats like your pal Fluffy over there, calm down, even you and if you’re know around town as the crazy cat lady. Just saying… With a little Google magic you’ll find plenty, just like this snippet. Makes sense to me anyway.
However, with the advent of the 16th Century Witch Craze, cats fell out of favour and became connected with the antithesis of religion; as pagan symbol, associated with sorcery, magic and witches. Cats were feared and thought to indicate the presence of evil, either being the Devil himself, or a witch in disguise.
Charles R
The official verdect of no mountain lions, cougars, black panthers, etc have been denied by many state DNRs or Wildlife Divisions for decades, that were not in the PNW and Rocky Mtn states.
Lettie M
my question is WHY deny big cats in the area?? they used to be EVERYWHERE…