Feb 1

At first I thought this was a man

A great report from 2016 in Reynolds County, Missouri. Here is the report “I have to apologize about not posting my sighting sooner simply because most folks just laugh and look at you as a fruit cake or something.

However, this makes my second sighting of a Big Foot. My son and I was bow hunting in Reynolds county Mo, and I decided to hunt a pond where deer was using it consistently. To make a long story short, I got settled in a tree behind the pond where I could watch a hollower leading up to the pond and a log road running past the pond as well. So around 5 pm I noticed how quiet the woods became. The squirrels I had been watching disappeared, the birds became silent, so I started to become concerned of human activity. So I began to search the woods to see if someone was in the area when this large black figure appeared walking down the other side of this hollower I had set up to watch. At first I thought this was a man. But as it kept walking I noticed how massive it was, and all of a sudden it stopped and took two steps backwards and turned and looked straight at me.

It was then I realized that this is not a man but a Big Foot. As this creature looked at me, I could clearly see its eyes and nose. I could see flesh around its eyes and cheeks and also see hair covering its face as well. It stood there looking at me for I guess a good fifteen or twenty seconds, then turned and walked on down the ridge and disappeared into the woods. Needless to say, I was scared out of my mind and refused to climb down the tree, but it was getting dark and I knew I had to meet my son back out on the main road.

Finally I got up the nerve and came down. So I walked over to where I saw it and looked back to the tree I was in, and then it became clear that what I had seen could not have been a man, because he would not have been tall enough to have been seen over the underbrush. This creature was at least seven and a half or eight foot tall. When I met up with my son I asked him if he met or passed anybody or vehicles on his way to pick me up, and he said no then I told him what I saw.”



See full report

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