Apr 25

Witnesses photographs a tall dark figure watching them

Interesting report from 2017 in Macon County, GA: “We were cooking a hog mid day on a smoker and across the road in a big field about 300 yards away, there was a huge hairy creature standing beside a white oak and looking at us.

I grabbed my phone and took a picture and then it disappeared. After it was gone. Myself and my father in law walked up to examine the area. There were tracks and judging by a mark on the tree and looking at the photograph. This creature was estimated 8 feet tall. The owner of the property says he sees it all the time.”


(Zoomed in)

The witness was somewhat surprised that his friend quickly ended the conversation and seemed unwilling to further discuss the matter.. when the witness looked back, the figure was gone. At no time did the witness see the figure walk to or from the spot. It was there and 40 seconds later, it was gone. After the figure was gone, the witness and his father walked out to the spot it was standing and by using the height of tree branches, they estimated its standing height at 8 feet. Tracks were evident but not good enough to cast or photograph.

About BFRO Investigator David Bakara:

David has three daughters and a wife that shares his interest in research, both having developed a deep respect for nature and knowledge of the outdoors and wildlife. Attended Northern Florida Expedition 2011, 2012 Washington Exp., and 2012 North Florida exp. Prior US Navy and currently works as a Leasing Agent, spending his time off in the woods as often as he can investigating Bigfoot reports.


See full report

10 Responses to “Witnesses photographs a tall dark figure watching them”

  1. thomas w

    these daya with anyone submitting ANYTHING, u have to be somewhat skeptical…they said it was a huge hairy creature… but with the iphones pic zoomed in, it looks like a blobsquatch in its natural habitat. how could they tell it was hairy? hmm

  2. Charles R

    Saw this when it first came out. If it is real, and the bfro does a pretty good job of vetting the witnesses, then it just shows how dang hard it is to get a great convincing photo even in daylight. Of course smart phone photography is not that great at distance. They did some rough measuring with the branches and determined 8 feet tall, however they should have had a known height stand in to compare to. Shoulders do look broad and a hunched over head and maybe upper torso. Maybe some one can enhance this and we can get a better idea.

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