May 18

Why can’t we film Bigfoot, again?

ThinkerThunker writes “It’s been almost 50 yrs since the Patterson\Gimlin footage was filmed. WHY … with hundreds of millions of us walking around with cameras on us now, can’t we at least match the P&G footage? The answer could be about as low-tech as ya go.”

10 Responses to “Why can’t we film Bigfoot, again?”

  1. Knobby

    We have filmed bigfoot again, just nothing that supersedes the Patterson/Gimlin film. I agree that being on horseback may have allowed them to get closer than they would have otherwise.

  2. Patricia R

    He makes a lot of good points in this video.

    I would think the ‘startled factor’ alone would certainly make me shake–IF I got the camera out in time.
    When someone sees a creature, it is scary/exciting/so unusual that they are in mild to severe shock, AND the creature could be directing some level of infrasound at you, which affects the body and sense in various ways —anyone could bungle a photo attempt.

  3. Rajan K

    What about the EMF which these modern cameras emit? Also, these new cameras emit IR or UV for auto focus. It seems both of these factors would play against catching a BF on camera.

  4. Joyce N

    oh i’m sure someone out thee is sitting on some really good stuff… cough, cough, bob garrett.. cough cough. people are so ready to discount and discredit everything out of disbelief that anything out there is dismissed. which passes over things that shouldn’t. and then some people aren’t willing to bother putting it out there because of the ridicule and people being quick to call them hoaxers and being flat out rude and abusive over it. that’s what kills me about the net. people out there are so damn rude and obnoxious, but in their every day life -you’d never hear those same people speak to people like that because they’d be too afraid to be knocked on their ass.

  5. Kay S

    Having ridden horses most of my life, in fact I almost lived on horseback in my youth, I would agree with the horse theory. The smell of a sweating horse is quite strong. I’m sure it would go along way to masking the human smell. He is also right in regards to getting closer to other animals on horseback. Thinker Thunker has made some very good points.

  6. Greg T

    Every year I watch elk and mule deer stare at me from 1000 yards while I stand motionless wearing my hunter orange, but my rancher friends ride up on elk all year long in the same area while on their horses cowboying.

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