The moon-eyed people are a legendary group of short, bearded white-skinned people who are said to have lived in Appalachia until the Cherokee expelled them. Stories about them, attributed to Cherokee tradition, are mentioned by early European settlers in America. In a 1797 book, Benjamin Smith Barton explains they are called “moon-eyed” because they saw poorly during the day.
Some stories claim they created the area’s pre-Columbian ruins, and they disappeared from the area.[Barton cited as his source a conversation with Colonel Leonard Marbury, an early settler of Georgia. Marbury, a Revolutionary War officer and a Congressman in the Second Provincial Congress of Georgia (1775), acted as intermediary between Native American Indians in the state of Georgia and the United States government.

Published accounts of an ancient moon-eyed people who lived in the southern Appalachian region of the United States before the Cherokee came into the area have appeared in America since the late 18th century. Sources disagree as to the accuracy of the stories, whether or not the stories are an authentic part of Cherokee oral tradition; whether the people existed or were mythical; whether they were indigenous peoples or early European explorers; and whether or not they built certain prehistoric structures found in the region.
Different ideas about the people have appeared in letters, newspapers, and books for over two hundred years. Stories about the era before widespread European settlement were published by early European settlers of America, who became interested in the native people and old ruins in America. Among the earliest people to mention the legend are Benjamin Smith Barton, who wrote that he had heard a story from Leonard Marbury, about ancient moon-eyed people; and John Sevier, who told of an ancient white race, according to later published sources who mention Sevier’s letters. Barton, Marbury, and Sevier lived during the era when the lower Appalachians were still part of the Cherokee Nation, before the Trail of Tears. Later human-interest articles mention Barton.
Ron S
I think the devil is iconically depicted with a tail, because he’s been around longer than the human written word, so as stories were passed on phonetically and metaphorically, there is truth that he can mimic human form among other things and tries to get you to buy into his “tale”, which is still assimilated now to (feeding into) a line of poop, or lies. So to feed into evil is about as ignorant as not knowing what to eat and what to flush.
It seems life and matter, everything within the imagination, and everything in the universe (at its essence) is two opposite forces of a positive/negative, elevation/descent , growth and decay, light and darkness, good and evil, eternity and nothingness, freedom and slavery, the unique and the cheap reproductions etc… The simple fact is, nothing would exist if the former didn’t allow yet always outweigh, exceed, or rule over the latter. Descent is down to nothing no matter what.
If any pure and good versions of highly advanced and intelligent flesh and blood life exist in the universe and have visited Earth, they’d probably find out pretty quickly that there is a force that exists here or everywhere (likely spiritual dark matter or antimatter) that can mimic their appearance and then use it against mankind for nefarious purposes and essentially ruin their good and earned reputation.
Just like anything pure and good, it would have to operate or interact with mankind, by only utilizing select moments or choosing people who have a high intuitive discernment between good and evil and do so very sparingly as evil will be right there to observe and continually try to mimic these by any means to persuade other people to its darker agenda.
It’s quite the conundrum we put ourselves in by not making it a priority to be elevating ourselves into being a more trusting, peaceful human race, and by continually allowing evil to exist by feeding it ourselves with negativity, also by not having the common sense and intuition to tell when other humans are already “full of it”. There are those swallowing the devils tale and laying a similar one of their own for others, it’s one disgusting display that looks like a snake eating itself, and it doesn’t progress… I say “No thanks, you can keep that circle for yourselves, it’s one you have foolishly been misled into thinking is perfection”.
When I first saw the stone figures I thought of that StarChild skull that was found. But things like that are hard to gauge when you don’t know the “Star” it represents and if it’s viewed right side up or not. Stars can represent all kinds of things. The star shape is basically a pentagon shape with 5 visible 36 degree triangles attached, personally I like the look of the nautical stars better and find it more agreeable where there are 10 smaller triangles of 18 degrees and the intersecting lines all meet in the middle… Still, I don’t really care for the word “Angle” because it makes me think of deception, But that’s just me.
Have a wonderful day everyone!🌞