Mar 14

What looked at us that day was more ape than man

A listener writes “Hello Wes. How are you? What i am about to tell you may seem incredible, but if anybody can understand what has happened to me and what i am going through its you.

I am living in Newfoundland, Canada. I am sure youve heard of it. Its an island on the east coast of canada. I have been aware of bigfoot my whole life but never really put much stock in it. I mean, who hasnt heard of or seen the patty film. I have also seen many films throughout the years about sasquatch and I always blew it off as pure fiction… until i had my encounter. Back in the winter of 2012 myself and 3 friends spent alot of time in the woods cutting firewood. My friend had a nice little cabin that consisted of 4 bunks and a wood stove, and thats about it.

We would sleep at this cabin for days at a time cutting our firewood and building up substantial amounts of it may i add. Then after 2 or 3 days we would always load it on trailers and make several trips in and out, bringing this wood to our homes. We had a routine going where every morning we would each take turns waking up first to get the stove going and prepare breakfast etc. Well this particular morning it was my turn. I woke up to the sound of my alarm and hesitantly got out of the bunk because this morning it was particularly cold. I lit the fire and put the bacon and eggs in the frying pan. While the bacon was sizzling i put on my warm clothes and headed out the door to take in the morning air. The sun was just coming up and visibility existed but it wasnt that great.

As i stood, stretching on the patio i guess you would call it, something to my left about 50 feet away from me caught my eye. There was a thick woodline to my left and ahead of me and to my right the woods thinned and there was a trike path directly in front of the cabin. Anyway, to my left, something stood out to me that looked very unusual. I caught sight of what looked to me to be the shape of a man leaning up against a tree. Standing mind you. Like i said , visibility wasnt good at this point and well i figured maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me.

I went back in to tend to breakfast and by this time the smell of bacon had waken up the guys. I immediately told them what i had seen outside and that i couldnt be sure if it was actually there or not. So to make a long story short i turned off the frying pan and stepped outside again. The boys got dressed and headed out too. By this time it was a little lighter and visibility had improved quite a bit.. and sure enough.. there it was. The black shape of what appeared to be a man leaning against a tree. The boys couldnt really believe what they were seeing.. neither could i. This figure seemed to be motionless. Almost as if it were sleeping, standing, leaning against this tree.

We kept our mouths shut and just watched until the sun was fully up. As it kept getting brighter and brighter we were astonished. Leaning against this tree was indeed a man. Well, what we assumed must have been a man.. but.. there was something very very odd. This “man” was jet black from head to toe.We couldnt even make out a face right away it was so black. It was leaning on its right shoulder, with its head leaning to the right.. and what i distinctly remember is that the top of its head was touching a branch. A branch that we figured must have been 7 feet off the ground. We discussed this quietly coming to the conclusion that this had to be a very big tall man wearing some sort of head to toe black suit. We were baffled and couldnt believe what we were seeing.Where did he come from and what was he doing here. Especially that early in the morning.

We waited and by this time the sun was fully up and curiosity quickly turned to horror. This thing was covered in what looked like soaking wet fur. Black as night. This thing was motionless which made the situation more horrifying. We debated what to do and started to think that there has to be a logical explanation for this. Maybe it was some guy who got lost and was sick or something and had possibly died up against this tree or simply passed out. A million things were going through our heads. After several minutes of debating what to do we decided we had to try and communicate with this “man”. I was the first to speak. “hey” i shouted. No response. After 3 or 4 more attempts and no response we took a different approach. We had some small junks of wood on the patio we used for the fireplace in the cabin. One of the guys picked up 2 junks and clacked them together really hard making what sounded like a gun shot in the quiet early morning woods.

Immediately this things head shot up and looked directly at us. We nearly all fell back. Now we could see that this was definitely not a man. This things eyes and teeth were as white as the snow.Well they appeared to be becuase the rest of this thing was so black. iTS mouth and eyes were so wide i guess because we had scared the you know what out of it. Ill never forget it. What looked at us that day was more ape than man. I do remember alot of details about this thing but to be honest when i think about it all i get sick to my stomach. I havent had a good nights sleep now in about 5 years.

There is much more to this. This is just the basics of what happened. Anyway long story short after looking at us in astonishment this thing turned and took off thru the woods like a bat out of hell. We could hear trees cracking and breaking for a good 10 minutes after this thing took off. The awkward way this thing moved is the most disturbing thing that stands out in my mind. Im shaking now trying to type this. Safe to say this has almost ruined my life. And my friends feel the same. Neither of us have ever went back to this spot and the owner of the cabin actually sold it. And tbh, I buy my firewood now.”

7 Responses to “What looked at us that day was more ape than man”

  1. Glen K

    (New Jersey) I’m with you Trent! I want to hear “More.” ! Great encounter. Can you imagine this guy is so profoundly upset, he hasn’t slept good in 5 years! I really feel bad for him- but I’d still like to hear the rest!

  2. James M

    It’s true it does take a lot to get a Canadian startled and excited. This American boy would have been gone as soon as I went in, came out and saw it was still there !!!!! LOL

  3. Mark B

    Thanks for this. I’m a Newfoundlander and would love to speak with you. I’ve had an obsession with this these things being on the island for quite some time now. All the best. Your story is true.

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