Dec 9

Watch: Umatilla Reservation sounds

CTUIRresmap2-231x300As early as November of 2012, there have been reports of strange howling noises coming from the swamps in the Umatilla Indian Reservation in eastern Oregon. The sounds have thrown the small community into a panic, as men, women and children alike are afraid to venture outdoors at night. There have been reports of dogs cowering inside as the screeching howls echo in the distance. These eerie noises have been accompanied by large, humanoid footprints as well as strange disturbances of personal property. One member of the community, who wished to remain nameless, commented to Bigfoot Finder, “It’s a scary thing. These sounds are like nothing I have heard before. They don’t sounds like any animal that I have heard, and are definitely not human.” When asked about if he thinks it could be a Bigfoot, he said, “I have never believed in Bigfoot or Sasquatch or anything like that, but after hearing this, I am not so sure anymore…”

23 Responses to “Watch: Umatilla Reservation sounds”

  1. Norman Racca

    I would say this was a Coyote! It’s a rare vocal; but I have seen them doing this when approached by another predator! It’s like a battle cry or something! It also sounds like a human trying to sound like a Coyote, so; unless we had a camera on that thing in Umatilla; we don’t know!
    I found a YouTube video that is very close to the same sound. Watch the video from 2:45 – 3:45

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