May 1

Watch: Dogs and Sasquatch

There have been so many reports of Sasquatch attacking peoples animals. This is a real phone call made from a house in Kitsap Peninsula, Washington State in 1990. The sheriffs did show up eventually, but the figure was gone at that point. Listeners know this 911 call well because its in the intro of the show. Take note of the caller saying his “His dogs were killed…”

Sasquatch behavior can become unpredictable as with any other primate.

If the video does not play click here.


5 Responses to “Watch: Dogs and Sasquatch”

  1. Tyler D

    Hey Wes, whenever you have Coonbo back on the show could you ask him to tell the story of his Great Grandmothers sasquatch encounter? It’s a fascinating story and I honestly believe it gives some insight how capable n comfortable they are in their environment. That poor guy who called 911 must have been scared senseless. I know I probably would be

  2. r v

    Phew! Just in case the regular news wasn’t enough to get me down today… If that was my dog it’d be like “Honey, I’ll be back in a little while. Just have to go into town to get a few things.” News broadcast later that evening: “Authorities still have no leads as to who may have broken into the arsenal and stolen the high-powered grenade launchers. Also missing were three flamethrowers and some claymore…”

  3. Christopher c

    Damn! get somebody out here that SOB is DAMN! the homeowners association packet didn’t say anything about this!l this is supposed to be a gated community now get somebody out here! LOL!

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