Jan 14

Walking Between Worlds – Aliens and UFO Encounters

Janson Media writes “This is the story of Jason, my Indigo child… Thus begins the story of Ann Andrews, a mother living in England with a unique experience to share about her life and her son, Jason.

Now for the first time, the un-seeable and unbelievable has been caught on video by multiple individuals who have not only captured mind bending video of Entities, UFOs and Angels, but have been profoundly affected by their experiences. Confronted by the unknown, they all share a deep and unwavering need to know and understand the phenomenon they are experiencing. These individuals did not seek recognition or compensation, they are driven by the questions: “Who are we? What is real?” The sky is alive and has been for millennia with non-human activity, much of which is not visible to the naked eye.

See concrete evidence with real video from beyond human perception and discover a realm of fallen angels and otherworldly visitors in a universe that is beyond our comprehension. Dare to ask yourself, what is our place in the cosmos?”

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