Nov 18

Tonight’s Show: The Kentucky Devil

I will see you guys tonight! Jimmy shares an encounter he had while hunting in Kentucky. Jimmy said “I did not know what it was, it looked like a giant man and it had a confused look on its face when it saw me. The creatures demeanor changed and it looked pissed. I took off running and it chased me.”


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14 Responses to “Tonight’s Show: The Kentucky Devil”

  1. Jimmy C

    These stories are the truth and it’s hard to admit all this stuff that has happened to me and that’s why I’m telling my stories now because they changed my life forever, if you have had a incounter like me and haven’t said anything about what happened to you please don’t keep it inside because it will destroy your life if you let it… my wife is my biggest supporter and without her and Wes I would still be living a lie, once again Wes thanks for being there for a bother like me!!!

    • Charles R

      Thanks for bringing your terrifying encounter to us Jimmy C. Fortunately we are living in a time and with the means that more and more folks are willing to share their experiences. At least on these interview sites, Sasquatch Chronicles is the best, people can tell their story without fear of ridicule. Over the past 3 years I have heard and read so many Kentucky stories of the Sasquatch, I believe their may possibly be the largest concentration of them in Kentucky, this side of the Pacific NW.

      • Jimmy C

        Yes sir Charlie and me and you have talked and that’s why I have to tell as many people as I can because I went back to the area and I found more things that links the Monster’s to still being here. I have you and Vic to talk to because when you are in my shoes you have to talk to people that have looked in the face of a real MONSTER!!!

  2. m99

    ^ A Bother? You sound like a nice person, so why would you think you’re a bother? I’m glad you found this podcast and talked with Wes. I’m equally glad you’re here to tell it.

    Can’t wait Wes. Love the video previews ^ Sounds like one for the books. Hope you’re feeling all better. _m

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