Feb 8

Upcoming Show: I shot it!

A listener writes “Wes please contact me but keep my name anonymous. I put a 7mag round threw ones knee so it couldn’t get to me because I was afraid I couldn’t put enough rounds in it to get it down before it got to me, and there was another communicating so I knew if I killed it there would be no reason for the second to try and help it and would turn all its attention to me instead of its partner.”

I spoke to the witness late last night. He was hunting and was up in a tree stand. As the sun was coming up the witness reports: “I felt like I was being watched from this one area. As I continue staring in this one direction this huge arm came from around a tree and half of this creatures body was sticking out. It appeared to be communicating with another one. They were going back and forth..”

The short version of what happen is the witness shot the creature right above the knee. He was trying to wound the creature and not kill it because he could not see the other one. The witness says “I was terrified I didn’t think I was going to make it out of there and when I shot it,this thing let out a scream that shook me. The creature left after I fired. I came back and got the bullet that was lodged in the tree were the creature was. There was blood and hair. I collected everything and now I am not sure what to do with it.”

15 Responses to “Upcoming Show: I shot it!”

  1. Trent M

    Oh boy, folks are gonna come out of the woodwork trying to get their hands on a bullet with hair and blood evidence so please be careful and think long and hard about who you trust with your evidence. I think you should start with Wes as he has experience and knowledge and should be able to offer good guidance . I really want to hear this encounter too. There are going to be folks that judge you and your actions from the safety of their homes, just remember they were not there and they have no idea what you were feeling when you made the decision to shoot. I’m glad you are safe and I wish you good luck.

  2. Knobby

    Some of the DNA evidence should be sent to Dr. Ketchum. Many people have tested alleged sasquatch DNA and it comes back human because these rudimentary tests to determine species shows its a Homo species. It’s like DNA tests can determine if something is canine, but not say if its wolf, dog, or breed of dog. That takes a much more in depth DNA analysis. Dr. Brian Sykes was sent many DNA samples and he discarded all the ones that came back human for any further testing thinking those were not good samples.

    This is just a heads up that if its sent for DNA testing it needs to have much more of the genome tested, including the nuDNA where Dr. Ketchum found the unique unknown hominin DNA. To my knowledge no one so far has done in depth sequencing of alleged sasquatch DNA except Dr. Ketchum. She doesn’t have to be the only one to test it, but I would at least send her some of the DNA evidence.

  3. pam

    uhhhhh, like Melba will be believed now? I like her, but they have tried ruining her for less!
    Take it out of country ,anonymously tested where a govt. doesn’t interfere with the truth. Chile? Ask Robert Kryder.

  4. Gene P

    Dr. Melba Ketchum DNA study said some of the DNA was human and some was unknown. So the Sasquatch have some human DNA. We already know some Squatches look a little human. So DNA isn’t of much use here is it?

  5. doug w

    Cant wait to hear this one. I often wonder how many times hunters walk by them in the dark and the hunter never knows it. I will be out in colorado tomorrow in an area where I think one was seen a few days ago. Im hoping snow is up high.

  6. brad b

    Disabling the creature was a smart move to get out of there alive if the guy believed he was in danger. Although crippling these things could lead to unintended consequences like forcing them to hunt easier targets to survive . . . namely us slow, puny humans. Assuming they’re hearty enough to stay alive after all the blood loss and possible infection resulting from untreated gunshot wound.

    Can’t wait for the show. I hope the guy can get his blood & hair tested without interference by the powers that be. If not be ready for another oh, it was just a bear cover up lie courtesy of deep state bigfoot.

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