Jan 25

Two Terrifying Encounters with Dogman & Bigfoot!

Swamp Dweller writes “Dogman peeking into your window, and a squatch on the loose! Here are 2 Terrifying Encounters with Dogman and Bifoot! Joining me on this video is Beast Mystery!”

7 Responses to “Two Terrifying Encounters with Dogman & Bigfoot!”

    • Michael L

      Yes, it is just you…… just kidding, the odds of having encounters with both are pretty doubtful. Let me listen to it first and then I might change my mind..

      • Michael L

        It was the same guy just telling two separate stories that were probably sent to him..they didn’t happen to him self but other individuals. The first story referred to the movie “under ground”, the movie I watched was called “under world”, that was about werewolves…I think that I am spoiled to Wes’ encounters as opposed to other people’s “stories”..

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