Jun 11

Tracks found and cast in SW Missouri

A listener of the show, Shane C. found and cast this print 2 weeks ago in SW Missouri.

shane carpenter3 shane carpenter


Here is a track Shane cast back in April, maybe we can get Shane to come on the show.

scott carpentar tracks in april


9 Responses to “Tracks found and cast in SW Missouri”

    • Tedd

      Hell of a cast! I’m interested in hearing about background and possible track line if able to get on the show. I spent my childhood summers (12-16yr old ) visiting grandparents and working on my uncles farms in Everton MO, just north of Springfield MO. Desolate farmland with many rivers loaded with food. Will never forget nights spent alone in back house, really a shack, in back pastures so I could feed cattle before heat, creepy as hell! Being young & nothing but transistor radio to keep me company there were nights that seemed soooo long and never so glad to hear the sound of morning beginning! Thank God I never knew about the possibility of anything but coyotes to watch out for.

  1. Travis L

    Interesting track. One thing though, I thought one of the unique features of Bigfoot tracks is that most of the toes are even across the tips, not like his cast where the toes have a curvature from the tip of the big toe to the “pinky” toe. Just an observation.

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