Apr 22

Tonight’s Show: “You are not welcome here”

Tonight I speak to Wolfgang and Randy as they explain what happened to them the night they went camping. Here is a small portion of what Wolfgang wrote: “That’s when it happened. I heard the most blood curdling scream (or shrill) I have ever heard, to this day. It sounded unnatural. This “scream” will never be able to be documented on paper by anyone, for anybody to understand it, unless they hear it themselves. It was simply terrifying, and unnerving. The kind of sound that shoots right up your spine and seems to peak through your every nerve. The octave levels of this scream was beyond my comprehension. If I didn’t have ears, I still would have heard it.

Let me expand more on this heart stopping shrill. Your first animal instinct reaction is two choices. To curl up into a little ball and hope it goes away, which is what I was feeling at the moment. Or Flee as fast as you can. Those who ever read this, which will be very few, that have experienced this will know exactly what I am talking about. This scream I imagine will haunt us for the rest of our lives. A quick note on the bizarre side. I also had the instinct to yell back. Don’t ask me why. It was one of those feelings I had that I cannot explain.  I did have to suppress myself to keep from yelling back. Maybe some kind of primordial defense mechanism? I’m going into weird territory here, but I felt a connection like that. Maybe someone else has felt the same, or else I am totally nuts? I am particularly interested in why I felt this. The fact is, it was a very surreal situation, and I didn’t know how to react.

I remember my first thought, and that was “you’ve got to be “%^*#^&” kidding me.” Because I have never heard anything like it in all my life. It sounded similar to the apes I would hear in old National Geographic documentaries, but much louder. This was Ohio though, not Africa. And it wasn’t just once. This screaming continued in approximately 5-10 second intervals on both ends of my camp. On each end I heard rustling and shrills, as if they were screaming back and forth.

I was shocked once again when I seen something thumping across the land. Fear took over. A large two legged something, thumped its way about twenty to thirty feet away through my camp. I say thumped because if you remember, I was sleeping on top of a series of caves, which essentially was like a floor. So I felt every step this creature made.  It didn’t swing its arms around like a gorilla, but had features similar, from what I could tell. However, I can 110% guarantee it was no man.”


See full report

7 Responses to “Tonight’s Show: “You are not welcome here””

    • Jacqueline O

      Oops, damn nails!

      I just wanted to let you know that your intro is what first caught my attention. I was browsing through sasquatch related topics and then distracted by a hurricane of boys re-enacting real-life “Call of Duty” in-and-out of the house…boys will be boys! At that moment, I accidentally stumbled upon one of your podcast encounters on YouTube. I was busy rounding up the troops when I first heard the countdown and thought, “Wow, that’s got my attention…what is it?”, and that’s when I jumped down the rabbit hole…

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