Jul 23

Tonight’s Show: Welcome To The Jungle

It was a simple camping trip that changed the eyewitnesses life forever. Carla writes “The reason I’m sending this email is one of the boys that was on the camping trip with us brought up what happened to us and I realized that this experience was something that has really changed all of us. We all still have a lot fear from what happened to us. I start having panic attacks if I let myself think to much about that night so I try to just keep it blocked off.”

18 Responses to “Tonight’s Show: Welcome To The Jungle”

  1. Robin D

    Fingers drumming, toes tapping, come on Friday night, come on, come on… I can’t wait to hear this. Speaking of hearing things the creatures say, in the intro to all the episodes where we hear the chatter, does anyone else hear “have a heart”? I CANNOT unhear that and wondering if it is just me.

  2. Whizbang

    The extinct human blog posts where very interesting wish they had more of the big one, maybe they do but to close to Bigfoot or red haired giants, the powerful don’t want to feel inferior for some reason. Thank you Wes, rock the world tonight,

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