May 25

Tonight’s Show: They are EXTREMELY skeptical of the official story

I will be welcoming back to the show Scott. Scott writes “I’m a police officer in Virginia. I’m writing you today for a couple reasons. The first is that I’ve become close friends with another police officer from a different but nearby dept.

This friend of mine lives in a VERY rural area. He has had ongoing very strange activity on his property for approx 3 years now that fits the bill for Sasquatch.

Additionally he had an encounter while turkey hunting near his property and his neighbors have also been harassed by this same creature. He’s only shared his story with me and doesn’t want to give his name and is VERY reluctant to tell his story.

Also I recently heard an episode where you talk about a young woman who went missing and was found “mauled” and deceased along a remote road and her death was blamed on her pet pit bulls. This incident took place very close to me and I know several of the officers who work that area. They are EXTREMELY skeptical of the official story of her death as are a lot of other LEO’s I’ve spoken to about it. The story was quickly moved to the “back burner” so to speak and the whole thing just stinks in my opinion.

If you’d like to speak with me further about this I’d love to speak with you.”

I will also be speaking to Dennis and Dennis writes “I have been listening to your show for about 6 months now. I wish I would have found it sooner. It is extremely fascinating and you do an excellent job and thank you for that. I had my first encounter when I was about 7 years old so that would be about 1982.

I lived in a very rural area in southern Menominee County in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. There was a dirt pile behind my parents house about 50 yards away that I played with my Tonka trucks on then there was woods about 40 or so yards from the dirt pile. Back then there wasn’t very many people or houses around. My dad has 40 acres that butts up against thousands of acres of public land to the north and west then private tracts to the east. There is a small river called the Little Cedar River on the back end of my dad’s land. Anyway It was starting to get dark and I heard a light whooping sound behind me and when I turned around I saw a face looking back at me through the crotch of 2 oak trees growing from the same trunk.

It wasn’t very big maybe my size at the time or a little bigger. At that point I wasn’t scared and just stood there looking at it and tried to talk to it. I could see it blinking and when I talked to it it’s cocked its head from side to side but didn’t make a sound. I stood there maybe 5 minutes and then this horrible smell hit me like massive body odor and rotting meat. I actually started gagging and when I took a step to leave I heard a deep guttural growl to the east of me and trees started shaking and limbs breaking and at that point I got really scared and ran in the house and told my mom what I saw and heard and of course she said it was probably a bear cub and his mom. When my dad got home I told him what I saw and he said the same thing but he had a concerned look on his face and grabbed his 30-30 rifle and a light and went to see if he could find anything. He was out about 45 minutes and told me to go play in my room so I knew he was shook up about something.

I had my ear to the vent in my bedroom and I could hear my dad tell my mom that there was a bunch of 4 to 6 inch trees broken off about 6 feet up and a horrible smell in the air but after that he never mentioned it again. A few days later I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep but I was excited because my dad was taking me grouse hunting in the morning. I’m not sure how long I laid in my bed when I heard some kind of chattering outside so I got up and looked out my window and saw a massive man and a kid maybe 20 feet away from my window looking right at me. I was terrified. The bottom of my bedroom window was 6 feet off the ground and this thing was looking down at me. I turned my light on and ran out into the living room where my mom was still up reading and I told her what I saw and of course it was my imagination and I was dreaming but she let me sleep in their room on the floor in my sleeping bag. My dad had no idea what I was doing in his room in the morning because he slept through it all. When we got outside that morning I told him what I saw and he had the same look on his face like he did when I told him about my first encounter. We did hunt for a few hours and my dad was baffled that we didn’t even see a squirrel. After that nothing odd happened until I was about 16 but a friend of mine and myself were walking the river bank a couple miles upriver from my dad’s land and we found a bunch of huge bare human foot prints in the sand.

Fast forward to this past December and my mom called me and told me she had foot prints in the yard coming from the shed to the back of the house like it was looking through the window. So I went over there to look at them and sure enough they look like really big bare foot prints in the snow. I followed the tracks back to the shed where it might have been trying to catch a rabbit because they love to shelter under the shed floor and rabbits are very plentiful around there. Anyway from the shed I followed them down the logging road about a quarter mile before I lost the tracks going down into a huge swampy area. Ever since I can remember we heard wood knocks, howls, and sometimes gut wrenching screams. It has gotten more populated in that area in the last 10 years so the activity doesn’t happen much anymore but when it does I think there maybe some sasquatch traveling through but that is just my opinion but I have hunted that area all my life and I haven’t heard any of those sounds for quite a few years. I never did believe I saw a bear or imagined or dreamed seeing what I saw and it made me feel even better once I found hundreds of reports from all over the U.P. I attached 3 pictures my mom took of the tracks by the house in December of 2017. This is the first time I’ve ever reported any of this and I’m sorry for the long rambling. Thanks for everything you do.”


9 Responses to “Tonight’s Show: They are EXTREMELY skeptical of the official story”

  1. Ronny F

    A large mountain gorilla 350 to 400 lbs. 4 to 6 ft tall must eat 40 lbs of vegetation ,roots, ants ,termites a day every day to maintain a healthy weight. So I guess a 10 ft tall 4ft wide 800 to 1000 lbs ape or gorilla would have to consume 120 lbs of vegetation, roots, ants and termites, everyday? Maybe some animal proteins too!

    • Wolf

      Meat is far more concentrated than vegetative matter.
      Pound for pound herbivoral gorillas would have to eat far more to sustain themselves than an equivalent or larger carnivorous primate.

  2. Stephanie F

    I too live very close to where the “pitbull mauling” incident occurred. None of the details of that story sit right with me. Having worked with animal rescues for years and having a huge mutt at my feet now, no one loves dogs more than I do however, I’ve also watched my beloved “fluffy” massacre groundhogs, moles, chickens, and even snatch birds from the air and eat them like a cookie. Dogs are animals first and pets second, but it is impossible for me to imagine one “turning” on me and eating me. I can’t see it. I’d love to hear what this officer has to say.

  3. Monica K

    I used to live with 3 miles of of the incident Scott describes. While I lived there I heard what sounded like a woman being murdered in the woods and what sounded like a giant chicken clucking right outside my bedroom window that was terrifying. I also had something take what sounded like a baseball bat to my heat pump also outside the bedroom window on more than one occasion in the middle of the night. One night I heard what I thought were people talking in my house downstairs while I was up stairs and thought someone had broken in the house. I actually called the police as I was home by myself. At that time my new house had just been built on 4 wooded acres that had a creek that ran through the back of the property all the way to the James River which starts up in the Blue Ridge.
    This all happened from mid 2013 until 2015 when I moved. It never occurred to me this could be a Sasquatch until this year when I started listening to SC. I now also wonder what happened to that young women.

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