Sep 1

Tonight’s Show: The Cabin

Del writes ” I accidentally stumbled across what I think may be a good spot for sasquatch activity in north Georgia. With having multiple experiences on separate occasions in this one location I think I need some outside help to get to the bottom of what might be going on.

Everything from actually seeing 2 of these creatures come up to the cabin to hearing vocalizations of loud grunts to mimicking dogs barking with whoops and even having a creepy crow come to the window knocking on the glass saying “meow” I have audio of footsteps in the woods that might need to be touched up but you can clearly hear these things walking around our cabin at night.”

2 Responses to “Tonight’s Show: The Cabin”

  1. Linda B

    Thus sounds perfectly creepy…a cozy cabin in the woods and a creepy crow and cat….with autumn closing in…..nice long weekend…….hot spiked apple cider, doughnuts, a crackling fire and a scarey mystery story. I’ll check in right after our country dance night date. 🙂

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