Oct 15

Tonight’s Show: That feeling of being watched

I will be speaking to two witnesses tonight. Chris writes “While living Federal Way, Washington, my parents took myself and my eight-year-old brother on a trip to Fairbanks, Alaska.

My father had to travel there for business, and since my parents and four older siblings had lived there prior to me and my brother being born, my dad took my mom and me and my younger brother to make it a fun little trip. One day during the trip we traveled to visit some friends of my parent’s at their cabin on Harding Lake. (I’m about 95% sure that is the name of the lake we visited, but since both my parents have passed on, I cannot confirm with them. Harding lake is a little ways outside of Fairbanks. Shortly after we got there, my nine-year-old brother and I were pretty bored sitting around the cabin while my parents talked with their friends, so we went outside to explore around. The lake was still frozen and while exploring we saw a hole in the ice just offshore left by some ice fishermen. We decided we wanted to try some ice fishing on the frozen lake as we had never done that. I don’t recall the exact time of day, but it seemed that it was later in the afternoon as the sun was on its way down, but since the sun sets earlier in Alaska, I really can’t be sure of the time. While we were out there we found a tangled bundle of fishing line with a hook attached near the bank of the lake. We ran back in the cabin and asked for a piece of bread and then untangled the string and tied it to the end of a stick and walked out about 20 feet on the ice to the hole. I remember, as we were sitting on the ice, that I had a strange feeling that we were being watched. But I wasn’t scared as it was still daylight and I wasn’t on the ice alone, yet. After about 15-20 minutes with no luck, my brother decided he was too cold so he left to go back inside. I didn’t want to be a quitter so I was determined to stay until I caught a fish.

Near where I was fishing, the shoreline dipped inward a bit forming a small sort of bay, and across the water to the other side of the small bay was a bunch of bushes and foliage and then trees. I’ve looked at current maps and can’t really locate the exact place I was, so I don’t know if the terrain or has changed in the past 35 years, or if my memory is a little fuzzy on that part. but as I sat facing the center of the lake with the cabin behind me, I remember that there were bushes about 2 o’clock from where I was fishing

As I was fishing, I thought I caught the glimpse of movement out of the corner of my eye across the little bay. I don’t know exactly how far away it was, but if I were to guess, I’d say maybe 100 yards give or take. As I peered into the foliage, I thought I could make out a face looking back at me over the top of the shrubs. I can’t recall with any certainty, but if I had to guess, I’d say the shrubbery was about six feet tall, and the head was a good foot above that, but I don’t know if it was crouching behind the bushes or not.

At the time, my very first thought was that it was an old hairy Alaskan prospector or hermit that was looking at me. It certainly had a human shaped face, no snout, or anything, but then I ruled out a human almost immediately as it was covered in dark gray fur all over the face, and was much larger than a human head. As I was well familiar with Sasquatch, I knew immediately what I was looking at and it terrified me, because it appeared to be watching me. We locked eyes for a moment, and I was pretty scared and didn’t move. Was I really seeing what I thought I saw? I recall the head weaving a bit left and right so I realized I wasn’t just seeing things. When it moved, I snapped out of my frozen state and leaving my makeshift fishing pole behind, immediately ran back to the cabin.

The adults were still inside talking, and I didn’t want to interrupt, or embarrass my parents with talk about Sasquatch, so I just told my little brother what I had seen. Of course he didn’t believe me. But I don’t blame him as I teased him all the time, as brothers often do.

Over the years, I’ve wondered if it wasn’t just the overactive imagination of a 12-year-old, and admittedly, I did have quite the imagination, and I pretty much convinced myself that the event probably didn’t occur. I never talked about the situation to my parents or anyone else again. Until, that is, about four years ago, I was reminiscing with my younger brother about life growing up or something, and without any prompting he said something to the effect of “remember that time you said you saw Bigfoot in Alaska?” I asked him, “what do you remember about that?” And he said “just that we were ice fishing in Alaska, and I came in and left you out alone on the ice and about ten minutes later you came running in the cabin telling me that Bigfoot was watching you.”

I then I realized that the event, which I had convinced myself probably didn’t happen, actually did happen. If my brother remembered it, then I couldn’t have made it up.”

I will also be speaking to Sheldon and Sheldon writes “I just wanted to write to you and tell you my encounter that happened to me and a few of my friends one night a few weeks ago. I would just like your advice about what to do about it as well. I hope you don’t think Im crazy.

First off, I am a sasquatch enthusiast and have been for for as long as I can remember. I moved to BC about 15 years ago from Saskatchewan where the sasquatch really isnt a huge deal to people. Me and my 2 best friends began talking about bigfoot on our car rides to work a few years ago where we would talk about stories in our area where we live. I didnt know at the time that this area in the BC interior has a huge rate of sasquatch sightings but after hearing the stories, we decided to take trek into the woods in not only our area, but closer to the okanagan as well.
We’ve found tracks and heard some howls in our trips but im not sure if those were sasquatch. We gone out on quite a few trips during the day and then at some point we decided to go out at night not too long ago. We chose a secluded area about 30 kms from my town where there have been sightings to try our luck in hopes of getting some kind of action.

Well, to put it mildly, we got a little more than we bargained for. We started hearing howls almost like a siren and while there are coyotes in the area, this wasnt a coyote. We started hearing footsteps in the woods around us and there were more than 1. We decided to retreat to the truck because we started getting scared. The woods went silent when the howls started. No owls, no frogs or crickets. It all stopped the second the howls began. We should have left but the other 3 with me wanted to stay and scan the forest with flashlights as there were no moon so it was extremely dark out. As I was scanning the treeline, I caught a glimpse of what I thought was a light shining back at me but it wasnt shining back so I focused on it. What I was looking at then blinked and a fear came over me like ive never felt before. The more I focused on it the more I could make out the shape of a crouched down figure. It was “hiding” behind a tree but its butt and thighs were sticking out the other side. The tree was only about 2 feet in diameter but I could see its head poking around it on the other side. I couldnt really make out any detail as it was about still in the treeline. I then told the others and they couldnt see it at first but at closer glance they finally saw it. It didnt move a muscle. I had my brother , who is a RCMP member, with me and he began freaking out. I turned to tell him to shut up. It tooked literally 5 seconds for me to shush my brother and when I turned back it was gone. I asked the other 2 if they seen it get up and leave and they didnt see anything. Needless to say I was very shook up for a few days. I couldn’t shake the feeling of dread. Theres more to the story than what I wrote , but I assume your a busy man and I dont want to take too much of your time.

Now, common sense would dictate that I would never go back into the woods given how scared we got, but we’ve gone out again a few times since then. My wife has become very upset with me because I continue to go out to look for it. My question is, why has this lit a flame in me that has grown from curiosity to full out seeking? I had never been so terrified in my life but yet most of my free time is me and my friends going out to the woods at night. Ive listened to your show and heard other people go through the same thing as us, but Im not an overly brave man. I dont understand it. How does this thing take over my thoughts when I know I shouldn’t be out there?”

One Response to “Tonight’s Show: That feeling of being watched”

  1. Gumshoguy

    Good report but I’m confused did this happen yesterday or 15 or 35 years ago? Did it occur when the witness was 8 years old, if so, how old is the witness today? No reference of time in this report.

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Dec 18

Tonight’s Show: That feeling of being watched

How many times have you been somewhere and all of a sudden you have a feeling of being watched? Have you ever been in a situation and you feel like something is not right but you cannot put your finger on it? Why do we get tunnel vision in high intense situations? Have you ever been in a group of people and you do not like someone but you cannot explain why? Have you ever been so upset or mad that you feel hot from about the neck up?

What causes this?

In a lot Sasquatch encounters witnesses will report that feeling of being watched and I have always wanted to do a show on this to help explain the cause behind this. Some say it is just fight or flight taking over but I am convinced there is a lot more to it.

Cliff writes “The other day you mentioned you were thinking to bring a Psychiatrist on to discuss the feeling of being “watched” and which people have reported while in the woods. It prompted me to write because I don’t think you are going to get a very useful explanation from those quarters. I suggested that what you really needed was someone who had a serious enough background in the Eastern and Western esoteric and psychic systems and who could explain a little about the psychic faculties of man and animals and how this phenomena works. As it turns out I have 35 years of meditation and study and also a fair bit of time studying Yang style Tai Chi, and think I can help the listeners to get a better understanding of the esoteric “anatomy” and how this phenomena works. It IS a real phenomena and can be explained.”

I was surprised how grounded Cliff was in traditional science when I spoke to him. It was fascinating to speak to Cliff and get a clearer understanding of this phenomena of being watched. Below is Cliff’s bio but if you get a chance watch the video below. I really hope you guys enjoy tonight’s show, sometimes it is important to take a step back from encounters to understand some of the things going on around the encounters you hear.

Cliff’s Bio

I’m the CEO of AskingPoint.com, we make services for mobile Apps. I’m also the Author of iPhemeris (iPhemeris.com), the #1 Professional Astrology software in the iTunes App store and on Mac. I’ve always worked in Tech as either a co-founder of startups or in upper management. My first company (which I started at Colgate University) went public as Rogue Wave software.

At Colgate I studied, Computer Science, Physics and Economics and my educational background and interest has always been science. But, I’ve also always been interested in various forms of the Eastern Sciences as well. It was my studies in Physics that led me into Eastern Sciences because in the  areas of Relativity and Quantum mechanics there are Philosophical implications about the nature of reality and consciousness that are better handled and explained by eastern forms of Philosophy… and quite frankly those systems have been around a lot longer. The ones that I initially found most helpful were the Hindu Vedic and Tibetan Buddhist systems, although I also looked at Zen Buddhism briefly. Subsequently I got interested in the Western forms of these sciences as they were promulgated by HP Blavatsky and others who came after her.

For me there never has been a difference between the various forms of these sciences and any “real” scientist in either one (Eastern or Western) observes the data, does the “experiments” and goes where the science leads you. Science is not supposed to be a belief system. You are supposed to hold the current hypotheses as operative until the data tells you otherwise, and in the area of Bigfoot or Sasquatch there is A LOT of data indicating it is a real thing. Not the least of which are the hundreds of thousands of reported sightings and likely millions of observations. I am not so arrogant as to assume I know it all and when every single native tribe in the U.S. tells you these things are real and are out there, you have to take it as a hypothetical reality until you actually see one for yourself.

I started meditating daily at the age of 20, doing a form of meditation known as Raja Yoga or meditation with seed thought and have been at it for the last 35 years along with various other studies including many years study of a Martial form of Tai Chi known as Yang Style Tai Chi. In that system you learn to sense, develop and manipulate the Chi as part of a fighting form that takes many, many years to develop. I’ve seen my Sifu, and Sifu’s Sifu doing some real “crouching tiger hidden dragon” stuff first hand. So in that system one learns to feel and manipulate the Chi. Most western Physicists will scoff at it… but I’ve been literally knocked on my ass by it 🙂 So for me it’s real. And it is this energy that is in part related to the phenomena of being watched.

6 Responses to “Tonight’s Show: That feeling of being watched”

  1. Andy G


    This is exactly what I wrote about on the 16th when you posted the up coming show. I wrote:

    ‘This feeling can also come about because of something I came across in Ninjitsu years ago when I practised the art. We would stand behind each other and at a totally random time go to strike the person in front on one side or the other. With concentration and practice within six months I could sense them coming, react, dodge or even counter their move without looking. I once saw Brian McArthy (10th Dan) take on 15 black armed black belts totally blind using this very technique without been struck once. Without sounding all Yoda, it was explained to me that all things have energy flowing through them and with practice our brain can feel it. Linking back into my first paragraph, I honestly think we all have it but because we no longer live with predators in the woods we do not use this skill and it is not as acute. When I go hunting, and after several days being careful, quiet and stealthy I notice my sense is much stronger but as I have not practised Ninja in twenty years I can no longer do the same trick so it does go when not used.’

    It can be trained and made much better and stronger but we all have it. I also think we naturally listen to it more when in situations that may be a possibility of danger.

  2. David D

    Looks like it’s time to start burning the sage, and aligning the crystals. Keep those demons pacified, or they may come after you! Oh, here’s the weird part; you mess with them, in their environment, they will come after you in one way or another; i.e., spooks, goblins, weird noises and stuff like that. If a person pokes around in the “esoteric” world, he/she will, conger something up; just ask J.C. Johnson, he’s got it right! Wont be listening to this one Wes. I’ll look forward to the next show, maybe. When the FBI, trains their agents to work in counterfeiting investigations, they don’t teach them to spot the many different counterfeits, they teach them about the “real” currency. That makes spotting the fake stuff a lot easier. One thing to keep in mind, if and when you decide to go down any of these roads that involve any type of human “psychology so called”, all those guys hated each other, and didn’t agree with each other because each individual wanted the spotlight, and didn’t feel any of their contemporaries were worth a tinkers dam. There’s only one truth, one way, one Life and salvation, and none of the shrinks, shamans, gurus or mystics, have a clue. Remember the reason we celebrate Christmas; He is the true wisdom, not men.

    • Clifford R

      Well, sorry you feel this way, but actually some of us DO have a clue, and it is a bit more sophisticated and intelligent than you make it out to be. I suggest you be a little more open minded, listen to the data and THEN decide. It is precisely that type of attitude that causes mainstream science to ridicule Bigfoot. It’s the old “I know what I know, and no amount of facts are going to change my mind.” :))

      Cliff R

  3. Clifford R


    It’s funny you linked to that video. I almost mentioned it when we were on the phone. I saw it years ago and that guy is the real deal. It is one of THE MOST striking and authentic videos illustrating use of the Chi. I also heard he got into trouble with the “Elders” for doing that on camera. Why? Well just imagine what would happen if someone learned to use that power for harm rather than good! The Tibetans use a form of the meditation practice he uses to raise their body temperatures by up to 15 degrees…. also on film and measured by science. They practice by sitting out in the freezing cold and “drying” wet blankets draped over them 🙂 No kidding.

    Cliff R.

  4. cyndie r

    I’m not sure why some folks tend to seek out religious comfort when the word psychology comes into play, but I am of the opinion that it is not neccsary. If it makes you feel better then, by all means, feel free. However I am positive that I can recall the meaning Christmas and still explore the energies surrounding Tai Chi without becoming unhinged.
    Broaden your horizons. It does a body good.

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