Jul 5

Tonight’s Show: Strangeness On The Navajo Reservation

Tonight I will be speaking to two guests. One of my guests grew up on the Navajo reservation and describes seeing strange things around his property. One of the strangest things he saw was a creature get up like a man but looked like a dog and jump over the sheep corral and run off like a  man. He said “My older sister and I saw this thing, it wasn’t huge but it was in the sheep corral and all of the sheep were in one corner away from it. When my sister shined the light on this thing it stood up, I saw it had ears like a dog but was standing like a man. It jumped over the fence area and took off running on two legs”

4 Responses to “Tonight’s Show: Strangeness On The Navajo Reservation”

  1. Randy M

    Sounds good looking forward to hearing this talk about this creature i also live next door to a reservation here in calf. I never heard of anyone seeing a dogman around here but thar are alot of Bigfoots here for soom reason they seem to like it around reservations

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