Jul 29

Tonight: I knew it was NOT a bear

I was out looking for deer with my mother and sister, We would drive the back roads and check certain fields and roadways and keep count of the deer.At the time the area was still mostly wilderness. My mother was driving this night and I was riding in the back seat, it was a warm night, we were riding with the windows down. As we pulled up to an intersection, we had to stop at a stop sign while we were stopped I looked over to the right and noticed a big brown animal about 10 yards away it looked to be about 3 1/2 to 4 feet tall.

I could not identify the animal, I knew it was not a bear. While I was looking at it I was surprised when it stood up. I would estimate that it was over 8 feet tall, I rolled my window up right away because the animal was just standing there looking at us.As we continued down the road my mother asked what I thought the animal was. I said what animal, at the time I was unaware that they had also seen it.My mother said the animal that caused me to roll up my window.

A couple of years later: One evening my girl friend and I went for a ride to look for deer. We would take rides three or four times a week mostly riding the back roads. One evening as we were driving down a road (Rader Road towards County BB) I noticed someone walking in the ditch on the right side of the road. At the time I kept my eyes on him because I thought he was walking on the roadway, as I drove nearer I noticed that he was walking in the ditch.

About this time my girl friend ask me what that was walking on the roadway, I told her that it was not walking on the roadway but in the ditch which was about 5 feet below the roadway. I knew the depth because my brother and I went smelting there a few times. I explained to her that what ever was walking there had to be about 8’ or 9’ feet tall. She wanted to turn around and drive by it again to get a closer look I told her no that we would go around the back way which would take about 30 minutes, I wanted it to be gone when we came back.

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