The Noongar of the Australian Aboriginals have tales of the Woodarjee. These people look like Aboriginals, but they are only around 30 centimeters (1′) tall. One claimed sighting says the Woodarjee had a big, bushy beard and only wore a loincloth. They travel with spears and other traditional weapons.
If a human comes across them, the Woodarjee might attack, as they can be quite violent. Any wounds sustained from a meeting like this will disappear as soon as the human leaves the area.
“I live in Australia and wonder if anyone has heard of the woodarjee (spelling? pronounced wood-ah-gee). I learned of them a few years ago when relating a story to a Noongar friend of mine. Noongars are the main aboriginal tribe of Australia’s southwest, and in their lore the woodarjee are mischievous, sometimes violent little people.
My encounter happened in Perth in the suburb of Coolongup in the 1980s when I was about 6 years old. My brother, cousins, and I were playing in blackboy bushland (grass tree or Xanthorrhoea) and I was hiding from them. I heard a rustling noise to my right and looked over to see a small aboriginal man about ten feet away from me. He was about 13 inches tall with a bushy beard and wearing nothing but a loincloth. I assume he was hunting as he had a spear notched to his woomera (a spear throwing tool) and I might have disturbed him. He looked at me with angry eyes and threw his spear, which sank into my foot before he, the spear, and the hole in my foot vanished. Only the Noongars believe me.”
Richard W
Wish you could interview this person, Wes.
Rahul M
Interesting, as I have lived in a very rural area of the South West corner of Western Australia for 15 years and done a lot of hunting, fishing and bushwalking. I might have an idea as to what the person saw, but not sure how to connect. Have a great day everyone 🙂